15 • Regret

15 2 0

I walked out of the room after attending my architectural design lecture only to get my eyes blindfolded by my friends with their hands.

"Sabrina please, I know it's you" I recognised.

Someone out of them blindfolded my eyes with an actual blindfold and started to take me to a place I don't know of.

" Why are you guys picking me up??" I said as one of them started to pick me up.

"Shut up, we are making you get in the car" I heard Anastasia say.

"What for?" I questioned because it was neither my birthday nor was there any special occasion.

"What do we get in cars for, dumb head?" Sabrina tapped my head.

I only had two - three real friends (Sabrina, Anastasia and Rose) at university because I never talked with anyone too much there. Tbh, I went to university very less so I was not really in too much touch with these few friends too.

In a moment the car stopped and Sabrina took me out while my eyes were still blindfolded.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked as Sabrina removed the blindfold from my eyes and all three of the girls got in the car.

"Goodluck, sweetie" Rose activated the car, all three of them left me and I looked around myself only to detect a Eurocopter EC 130 with a ' I AM SORRY SIERRA, PLEASE FORGIVE ME DARLING' written on a chart placed on it's front and that was enough for me to understand who did th

I climbed the stairs and entered the helicopter, no wonder it was in the exact same design as that of Christian Grey's Charlie Tango helicopter, chestnut brown seats, luxurious. I looked at the seats and discovered novels and floweres scattered all over, tulips and roses the most, I looked around and found that all those novels were from my tbr list agian and I became completely stunned.

I began to go down the stairs and found Greyson who was standing at a distance with a neutral expression on his face.

"Greyson, these attempts won't change my mind about forgiving you in case you think that forgiveness can be purchased" I clarified before reaching towards him.

Even though, he was coming close to winning my forgiveness, finding a flower along with a letter near me every morning I woke up which I absolutely used to throw out of my window without seeing it although I subtly didn't want to do it at times, his tracking on my every move, recieving bouquet, novels, jwelleries and dresses frequently, the ones which I told him I wanted when we were together and ofc this helicopter.

Greyson's expression appeared as if he were deeply affected, his look altered as if he were in a state of trauma, features displayed contrition but he tried to keep them remain neutral and kept silent.

I turned back and started to move, I went alot far before receiving a call from Jules.

"I don't know where to start from, ok- so- brother Ben has came with his group, he's looking for Greyson's location and he will   reach there in few minutes, are you with Greyson?" Jules  said by getting hypered before I picked up the call.

"Yes, Why did you called him,?I told you to not" I got anxious  and before a gun firing sound reached my ears.

"I guess that they already reached there, goodbye, handle them out, I will be coming in a moment" She left me in charge of everything.

I looked back and observed blue Ben whose eyes gave a deep shade of blue, he looked quite changed because I have seen him after a real long tims, he came out from his Mercedes-Benz G-class holding a gun in his hand without his group.

I hid behind the helicopter in order to witness the drama that was going to take place.

Greyson, who looked like he was in a state of trauma, did not seemed interested in what was going to take place.

Ben came and pointed gun on his forehead while giving a smirk.

"So, this is Greyson" he scanned him from toes to head while still pointing the gun in the same position.

"Stop playing with my sister, just because she's innocent that doesn't mean you can use her" he said revealing his overprotective brother personality.

"She's my girlfriend" Greyson claimed with a very lethargic but passionate tone.

"She was" Ben corrected.

Ben commenced sliding the weapon from Greyson's chest down to his thighs while Greyson stared forward and was apathetic about what was happening around him, as if he was in a state of trauma.

Ben started to press the gun on
Greyson's right thigh with large pressure but Greyson served no expressed like he was not affected by it.

Ben loaded the gun while  Greyson still remained like a statue and I couldn't resist the place where I was, so, I got out of it then ran and stood in the middle of Greyson and Ben because Greyson was in such a state that even if Ben tried to shoot him, he wouldn't have made any effort to defend himself, he was completely zoned out.

"Ben, please stop!" I pleaded while Greyson stood motionless.

"You look grown up, sis, come on watch your ex getting murdered" he scanned me from top to down while holding the gun in his hand.

"He broke your heart, now he's going to face the consequences" he smirked.

"Ben, he didn't, it was a misunderstanding, leave it" I insisted

"Misunderstanding, what do you mean?" He questioned.

"Greyson did not broke my heart,  they were all rumours that you heard, infact he loves and take care of me alot, please don't get worried" I insisted.

"Ok" Ben gave a  response which was not so him, he answered a call and started to rushed towards his car as if he was in hurry after that call.

I stared at Greyson who still looked completly zoned out while Ben left after checking if I really spilled the truth by looking at me and Greyson at least thrice.

"Does that mean you forgave me?" Greyson uttered with a pained voice while staring in front when only we were left alone, his voice had a powerful impact on my heart and the environment.

I remained quiet while Greyson avoided eye contact with me and kept staring in front.

"Y--No--" I felt my throat becoming dry, I couldn't think of any better answer than that of silence but I still gathered courage and said no, although deep down I felt that I was doing too much and should stop here.


4 Months later
I was sitting in my Bugatti La Voiture Noire and stalked her through the tinted glass as she trudged through the lonely sidewalk.

I missed her, I missed her laugh, her smile, her hazel eyes, those curls, the way she smelled like the water lilies, her silly talks and her voice, she was so perfect that I couldn't help myself from stalking her the fact that she got tears in her eyes because of me fills me with remorse whenever I reflect on it.

And the moment she said that she still didn't forgave me affected me to the point of distress and that was when I felt I did something worst and I hate myself for that, maybe I don't deserve her.

Also she had been eating less food because of which she seemed ill lately, although I used to place food orders for her place, and even sometimes cooked food by my own, she didn't used to eat when it were the orders, but only used to sometimes eat when I cooked for her, so I tried to do it as much as possible, she also stared to collect the letters and roses that I used to put on her side when she slept at night, she started collecting the letters but did not read them and started keeping the roses in glass vase filled with water instead of throwing outside her window like she used to, she was focusing more on her studies now and I appreciated her for it.

I kept my hand on the steering wheel and watched her before she fell to the ground in a faint.

I immediately rushed towards her only to see Nick doing the same, does tht mean he was stalking her too? I did had enough time to think about it so I picked her up before Nick could and started to carry her into my car.

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