9 • Duplicity

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Greyson and I stepped inside the giant doorway within which was a big chandelier attached from it's roof and above all big hall.

Greyson pretended to keep his hand on my back in a possessive way, making sure it does not actually touch my body.

Not all but I could say some of the people were staring at us out of which girls were more.

But, there was one thing which made me jump into a very big big confusion, it was Nick, ofc the one who came to my cafe. Holy crap, what was he doing here??

I tried my best to not make eye contact with him and ignored him as much as I could.

By the time Greyson introduced me to many of the guests which contained few of his friends too, I was hesitant in the first place but then I got with the flow.

"I'll be back in a moment, call me if in need" he took my phone from my hand which I was using and started to save his number in it. We didn't exchanged numbers from the time we met.

"Ok" I gave him a weird smile.

"Is it clear?" He cleared his throat.

"Okay okay" I threw my hands in air.

Greyson looked at me thrice before disappearing by tilting his head at back while walking.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart" I turned pale but then I looked back and found Nick. It happens Sierra, it happens. The concept of my life was based on 'overthinking comes true' afterall.

"Seems like you don't remember me anymore" he asked me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him in a confused tone as if I've seen him here for the first time.

"Was going to ask the same" ohkay.

"I don't know" let the response be stupid, at least he don't know that came here with someone who resembles him alot.

"But i know it very well" he said as if he knows everything.

"Dance?" His hand asked to hold mine.

"No, thanks" i neglected his proposal without being harsh on him.

"You don't want to dance with me, you want to dance with the man with whom you came, right?" He said but then he was interrupted.

"Nick, behave" i heard Greyson's vioce from behind and his rough hand held mine.

"Sierra, stay away from him, he is playing with you" Nick said to me but then i was dragged by Greyson outside.

"Get in the car" i did as he said.

He was red and was driving car at the highest speed.

"Do you know Nick" i know i should be quite now that he is not in a good temper but my mouth don't want that to happen. Now i hope he don't shout.

"He is my step brother" he was really quite at first but then answered and made the speed of car even higher.

"Greyson" i held the car seat tightly and shouted.

He stopped the car, i looked out if the window and found that we reached Greyson's home.

He got out in a hurry and opened the door for me. He then dragged me towards his room, threw me on the bed, then held both the strip sleeves of my gown and started to pull them down.

"Greyson what are you doing" i tried my best to get out of his hold but to no avail.

"Tell me any of your favourite  scene done by a fictional men while performing smut scene in a novel" i-- how could i tell that to him and why was he asking this specially when i was half naked in front of him, left only in my panties and bra, there is no way I'm going to tell him, but maybe i have to because he was scaring me off. The Greyson whom i know was scaring me off.

"Tell me, Sierra" he became arrogant.

" I-- i-- read a novel where a man kissed every mole that the girl had in her body" i cried but then told him.

He cupped my face with his hands while being on tope of me but then came close to my collar bone and kissed the mole present there, he then came close to upper region of my right breast and gave it a kiss, the kiss filled with rage.

He brought his hand near my bra and was about to take it off but then he moved away from me.

"Sierra, darling stay away from me or i might destroy you and ruin your whole life" he covered  his eyes with both of his hands and kept his gaze down while sitting on the couch.

There was something really strange.

I picked up my gown which was lying on the floor, covered myself with it and went close to him. As i stood up i got caught a quick reflection of myself on a mirror, my eyes were bruised from crying and hairs were messy.

"Get ready and reach downstairs as soon as possible, I'll be dropping you to your house, you are not safe here anymore" he.     Was.  Serious.

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