"I already do," Harry remarks turning the page to a new set of pictures, "We go to the beach every winter to get a break from the snow," Louis' eyes widen at the family photos, if a picture said a thousand words, Louis felt like he'd just heard a novel. The tension could be seen from the view of the lens, Niall wrapped in Zayn's arms grinning like a Cheshire cat, Harry and Liam looked more typically Dominant and Submissive, the owner had his arm around Liam's hip pulling him close, his other arm snaked around his husband's shoulders that are hunkered down fully enveloped in Niall's personal space.

It was a pose of love if Louis had ever seen one.

"Is-is Ni-Niall with Liam a-and Zayn?" the boy asks softly his eyes not leaving the photo, the master sighs behind him closing the book, and begins to stroke his hair, "No,"

"Wh-where is he?" Louis furthers his question in a shakily whispered tone, his eyes shut as the smiles of two people so clearly in love burned in his memory, "Niall is in remission,"

Liam still sat in his haze when Zayn led him to the truck that next morning, "Ma-master," Liam croaked, his chocolate eyes glazing the man he knew he was supposed to submit to, the master shook his head silencing him, "You've bawled all night," he mutters, "We're going to see Master Harry,"

Hearing the familiar name Liam feels himself becoming grounded, he's not quite back over the edge yet, but closer than he was ten hours ago.

"His new skip will be there, you can't scare him," Zayn remarks reversing from their cabin, he used to love little trips up to the secluded space, he would take Harry there every weekend when his firm didn't need him - he took Niall there the weekend he first signed him. He convinced Harry it was essential to bond with a skip alone.

Zayn had been slightly looking forward to a weekend alone with Liam at the cabin, only to find his anger toward Harry for revoking his right to own Niall and having him forcibly sent into remission spilled into his time with Liam where he instead became cruel and insulted him the only way he knew would bring a reaction from the man.

The master hadn't planned on it pushing Liam over the line into subspace, something Liam hadn't experienced in months, at least with just Zayn.

At the realization that he had neglected his submissive, Zayn places a hand on Liam's thigh stroking it lovingly, "You're my good boy," he soothes, Liam sobs at the words shaking his head, he didn't deserve his master's praise, he had fallen into a realm where he couldn't please his master and it drove him crazy.

"You are Lee," Zayn assures, "You're mine and Master Harry's good boy, you always have been,"

"It's not 'gonna happen to me," Louis tsks crossing his arms with a defiant smile spreading on his features, he stands next to Ashton the pair at the clubhouse, the submissive that at one time cussed like a sailor and gave himself a tattoo of a devil with a needle and ink pen he found - strolled in with overalls on, a bib around his neck, and a pacifier teasingly hanging from his shirt. 

Ashton scoffs nudging his friend, "Rumor has it he was marked uneducated," Louis raises an eyebrow, "I thought only level three and below could be, maybe he's just-"

"Lou," Ashton cuts him off shaking his head, their eyes travel from the boy to the owners of the boy trailing him, they reeked of money, two women towering in their stance, "Rankings don't matter when you can afford it," It was a haunting reminder that the rich in society, even a society where you tested to be given your fate, still ruled all. Cash was king and the poor were peasants. Only a poor lucky bastard could hope scoring high enough on your test would land you a level four submissive or higher, or the rare dominant score. 

"What was his name?" Louis asks softly turning his head from the trio feeling sickness rise in his throat, "Callum," Ashton mumbles averting his gaze, "We-we tested together,"  

Remembering the conversation he had two years ago, Louis swallows past the burning lump in his throat turning over. He'd been laid to bed an hour ago, Harry poking his head in every so often to see if he had fallen asleep, the last time he was on the phone with someone, Louis attempted to pretend to be asleep yet was quickly caught when Harry suggested he pick up some pacifiers at the store.

"I don't need fucking pacifiers!"

"I knew you weren't asleep,"

The room darkened around him, Louis sighed snuggling deeper into the pillow, with a final glance to the door he felt his chest tighten seeing the door pushing open once more, "Almost there," Harry whispered sitting on the bed pushing hair from Louis' face, "We have a big day tomorrow baby," He announces, Louis groggily glances at him, "Wh-what?" he whispers sleeping weighing on him from Harry's soothing touches, "You get to meet Master Zayn and your big brother Liam, we might even go shopping, Daddy has to buy you a bed and-" Harry trails on, Louis tried staying awake to listen to what his agenda held for the next day, he feels himself slipping out of consciousness, "Do-do you know the cl-clubhouse?" he asks mouthing most of the words as he couldn't muster the energy in his exhausted state.

Harry stands from the bed bringing the covers closer to Louis' chin, he presses his lips to the boy's temple, "I do, we take Niall and Liam there," brushing hair from Louis' forehead, "I'll take you some time, they even have a section for you, baby boy," Heading toward the door knowing his skip would be out in a matter of minutes, he turns remembering his friends submissive's name, "our friends take their boy Callum,"

The anchor in Louis' gut sinks at the words before he fully submits to sleep.


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