Drowning Slowly

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~If your reading this I'm already dead~

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~If your reading this I'm already dead~

Drowning can be peaceful in many different ways. For one, if you black out instantly you don't even know that you are drowning in-till you have already died

It is peaceful in till somebody finds you lying there lifeless, wether you meant to do it or not the worse part is getting resuscitated and realising that you are in fact still alive

You are alive after jumping off that horrifically high bridge. After all that pain you felt falling down your plan didn't even work

As you spit the excess water that was once in your lungs, preventing you from breathing you won't be able to feel your body no matter how long your precious heart stopped from

Then you will look around to see all the paramedics around you and unlike in my case you may see your family members panicking about you. But because i had attempted to end my life the hospital didn't even know who i was yet

Once you realise you are in fact alive, a feeling of guilt will rush over you as you are carried into the ambulance.

You will feel that the whole way to the hospital in-till you

Flatline again

I told you it would be a peaceful journey maybe i was just making it more sugar coated, yeah i was death hurts like a mother fucker

i was screaming internally considering i was blacked out on the gurney. I could hear everything that was going on around me but i couldn't talk i was just left alone with my own thoughts

The pain over took my body, it was a burning sensation which wouldn't stop. I kept on screaming not knowing that nobody could hear the pain i was in to prevent it

my eyes were closed, but i felt like i was watching the people around me ignore my pain. I felt like i couldn't breathe, my head was on fire. It literally felt like someone was stabbing me to death. My lungs felt like someone was bursting them like a balloon, why wasn't anyone helping me.

Why couldn't it of worked, i would of been out of this pain, out of this misery. I shouldn't of done it though no matter how much i ended my life but a little bit inside of me wished that is worked.

"You shouldn't of let Rory go." Carl panicked "She's not well."

"We couldn't stop her, it would do more harm then good." Lip told him

"If anything happens i will honestly blame you." He rolled his eyes as he stormed up the stairs but he quickly came down as Mickeys phone rang

"Hello?" Mickey answered the call from the hospital?

"Hello is this Mikalho Milkovich?" The lady on the phone asked

"It is yeah? Whose asking." He shot a look at fiona

"We have just brought Aurora Grace Gallagher into the hospital, we need you to come here immediately." She told Mickey

"Fuck okay, we will be there in a minute." I quickly picked up his coat motioning to fiona and lip to follow him

"Thank you." She said as she hung up the call

"Rory's hurt herself and is in the hospital." Mickey explained once they were all in the car

"For fuck sake." Carl shouted "I told you all."

"Carl it's nobody's fault." Fiona tried to calm him down

"Nobodys fault? She could be dead for all we know." Carl shouted yet again

"Carl i'm driving no shouting." Jimmy scolded him

"Don't you dare say that she could be dead." Mickey gulped picturing his sister lying there dead

"Mickey, Ian get out i will find somewhere to park." Jimmy insisted once they got to the hospital

They both quickly ran inside, straight to the receptionists desk.

"Aurora Grace Gallagher." Ian panted

"Room 345."

urgent care?

As soon as mickey realised that it was in fact the urgent care unit he ran away, out of his fiancés reach and straight to room 345.

He opened the door to see me lying with tubes everywhere, hair still soaking wet. My skin as blue as the ocean.

I looked dead, maybe i was i didn't even know if i wasn't but i could still hear mickeys sobs as he came closer to me.

"No No No." He cried out as he held my hand tight

Ian soon walked into the room and just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He was frozen still

I'm still here you just can't see that

"Shhh." Fiona soothed Mickey "It's okay."

I've never heard Mickey break down this much before, it's like the tears wouldn't stop falling onto my lifeless body

"Ian." Jimmy sighed as he hugged him "She is okay."

"She's fucking dead." Carl shouted

"No she's not." Fiona replied pointing to the monitor

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