Home Sweet Home

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I waited to be called, i'm so ready to leave this prison after a whole year of being stuck here. I didn't hate every minute of it though it has taught me a lot of things, like i need to stay on my medication otherwise i go crazy. I have also learnt a lot of self defence moves, to protect myself from everyone.

All of the gallaghers visited me daily, it made me feel less alone even if i did make some friendships whilst i was in juvenile prision.

"Aurora Gallagher, please follow me." The gaurd shouted firmly

"Am i going home?" I asked but she never replied

"Just follow me please." She demanded "Pee in this cup."

"Okay?" I replied confused as i went to close the door

"I need to watch." She smirked which made me feel uncomfortable but i pissed in the cup and handed it back to her "Thanks, wait in here till we get your results."

"Okay." I sat down on the chair and waited for what felt like hours intill someone finally walked in

"Follow me." This is where i panicked, did they find something in my piss

"I promise i haven't took anything." I pleaded my innocent but the guard didn't stop walking "It's all a set up."

"Shut up Gallagher." She shouted as she opened the door "Get your stuff, your going out."

"Fuck off." I gasped as i ran into the room, i knew i was getting out but it was still shocking

"You need to be in by 7PM, you also need to get a job in a month otherwise we will find one for you. You fuck this up your straight back in." My parole officer told me as she clipped the ankle monitor to my leg

I nodded as i looked at the big beeping device, that was going to ruin my life for the next 2 years.

I grabbed my belongings that were brought in, when i was first convicted a whole year ago. The whole Gallagher family were waiting outside for me

As soon as they spotted me, thanks to Carl pointing, They ran up to me. It was freezing out, i was definitely not dressed for the wintery weather." "Hey family." I smiled

"Hey Ror," Mickey smiled back as they all ran up and hugged me

Carl on the other hand, handed me a jumper as he noticed i was shivering "Thanks Carl."

"Come on let's get you home." Kevin laughed as he dragged the Gallaghers back to the Car

"So how was the pen." Carl asked me once we was all finally in the car

"To be fair it wasn't bad, i've stayed on my meds and i've met quite a few friends." I told them all

"You seem happier." Ian pointed out

"You look good yourself Ian." I smiled at him

"Thanks Rora."

"Have i missed anything major?" I asked them all

"Fiona and Jimmy, live in the house next door but apart from that it's just frank getting drunk and Franny crying all night." Mickey joked

"Hey she's getting better." Debbie smacked his arm

"Where is Fran?" I looked around confused

"She's with her grandparents, there assholes." She groaned

"Oh okay." I rolled my eyes, there was always drama in this family

"I have to find a fucking job." I grunted remebering what happened at my old job

"You can work at the Albi now your 17." Kevin offered

"Thanks kev." I smiled, if we wasn't drive him i would hug him tight

The rest of the way was silent, that was intill Fiona broke it.

"Rory why did you kill Terry." Fiona blurted out

"Fiona." Lip shot her a glare

"No no, it's fine your all thinking it right now." I continued "I was walking and he went to attack me like usual, instead of being scared i smacked him round the head with a brick."

"That's all i remember, before i blacked out." i gulped remembering it all to well

"I'm so glad he's gone." Mickey nodded at what Ian had said

Mickey had his head resting on Ian's shoulder, i hadn't seen them so touchy before; maybe something had happened.

"The house looks exactly the same." I laughed

"It is exactly the same, except Mickey and Ian have mine and Fiona's old room." Jimmy admitted

I got out the car and walked straight into the house, instantly hit with memories. Memories from the day i was arrested, from when Debbie had her baby and from the day i tried to commit.

"It's all exactly the same." I repeated slowly as Carl and Lio fought over the remote, and Frank was passed out on the floor

"Your okay." Ian rubbed my shoulder reassuringly "It will all be back to normal soon."

"It's just weird being back here." I nervously laughed "So much shit stuff happened."

"I know but it has also made a lot of great memories." Mickey joined in "Why don't you go take a shower and get a good sleep."

"Yeah i might do that, can you bin these clothes. There from the night of the murder." I sighed

"Of course Rora, go take a shower." Ian hugged me before i walked up the stairs

My bedroom was completely untouched and so were my draws. Even my bed was unmade from that night, the night i attempted to run away.

I grabbed some pjs before hopping into the shower. The warm water touched my skin it felt amazing, I have been self harm free for a year now, honestly showers have never felt better.

It was nice to get a sense of privacy and an actual hot shower. I lathered my hair in coconut soap, far better then the unscented shampoo at the Juvie.

Once i was done i dried my long black hair, which had grown significantly in the past year, and put on my fluffy pjs and socks. I took my last medication of the day before falling straight to sleep in my bed.

It felt like sleeping on a cloud

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