Convincing the Council

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"Agree with you, I do." There were many looks of surprise towards the Grandmaster and his response, with murmurs of protest from the council. Windu eventually spoke up, "Are you sure it is wise to make such a brash decision, especially with so little and hardly trustworthy information?" There were various forms of protest to this namely coming from the gaggle of Skywalkers in the room.

"Master, for what it's worth I too agree with Master Yoda on this matter. I sense no dark intent coming from these, erm, guests. Also what kind of Master would I be if I didn't trust the word of my own Padawan?" Nearly all the members of the council had some sort of surprise in response to this claim made by Depa Billaba, Kanan however looked a tad choked up from her statement.

The emphasis on Master and Patawan trust from Billaba was not lost on Windu, who was still not fully ready to concede on this matter. With a sigh he responded, "Even if this all were to be true, how would we even go about, as you said 'fix the past', after all it is at least clear to me that there are other issues that would need to be addressed." Windu finished with a pointed glare towards the Anakins, the older of which couldn't help but speak up, "Now I don't see how that has anything to do-" "Anakin," the older Obi-Wan cut him off and Anakin huffed with a defeated sigh.

Plo Koon was next to speak up, "I say that if Master Yoda believes in these visitors from the future, then the Force has gifted us with the greatest of opportunities to heal the errors of our ways before they could destroy us." Nods of agreement circulated through various council members, though some still appeared to be debating the idea in their own minds.

That's when Ezra decided to state his own case because, well frankly none of the council members knew him yet or his family so he really has nothing to lose here at the moment unlike some of his time traveling counterparts. "Masters, while I understand that this must be really hard for you all to comprehend, this is the truth that the future exists unless you help us do something about it. I grew up, like a lot of these other people from the future did, without the Jedi; at least not in the way they are here. When I'm from it was always just me and my master, Kanan, and occasionally Ahsoka sometimes, but for the most part it was just the two of us. We had to hide from the rest of the galaxy for risk of being hunted down. All anyone really remembers of the Jedi is the hope and light that surrounded them that most people had lost, because even though the Jedi order was forced to an end the fight continued on. All I'm saying is that the galaxy could use some hope both in the future and, from what I can tell, now as well. So all of us that know what it's like to live without the Jedi will fight this battle now so that millions won't have to in the future, with or without your help. But if the Jedi were truly keepers of the peace as I was always told, which you're frankly doing a pretty bad job at at the moment anyway, then you could and at least protect the peace for the future." Silence fell across the chamber as Ezra finished his impromptu speech, and while everyone processed the words that were said in silence all Ezra could focus on was the proudest look he had ever seen on his master's face.

A/N: It took me over two years but I finally updated! I don't even have an excuse for that, but thank you so much to everyone that has stuck with this story for this long, I really do appreciate it so much. I'll try and update some more soon, but I'm not making any promises (though I have no plan on waiting until 2025 to update again). Thank you all for reading, and as always, May The Force Be With You! :)

- Rey

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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