The choice.

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I met him when I moved to the US. I had been for two months there when I met him, even though it wasn't a long time, I felt like I started living for the first time that day.
It's not a love story, cause there was never love, just two adults playing with feelings. It's not a romance book cause there's no point in calling us romance. It's just another delusional girl notebook.
It's every night that I spent with him. It's all the things that crossed my mind when my heart started to shiver around him. It's just all the time I dedicated to something that I knew was never going to happen, cause I had to go back home at some point, my country was waiting for me.
I missed my land every single day, till I met him, and he smelled like home. He made me miss everything a little less.
This is about you A. This is me pouring my heart in this, so when I leave you remember how much can a woman love in so little time.Some would call it obsessing, I would call it fantasizing. Cause deep down I know you are just a fantasy, I know you are half of what I see, and that maybe in a couple of years I'll be more mature and I will hate you but until then I want to feel free of feeling.
I was lying, there was love. There was a lot of love, but it was always me. Cause I realized I was able to keep loving with every particle of my body  when I met him, cause he met me when my heart was closing the wounds, when I still believed that I had lost the ability to trust, to love till my skin breaks cause is not enough to just be touched, and languages can't contain the magnitude of my feelings.
Even though I kept quite every time I wanted to give up, this is me screaming all the truth that you already know, and now it's your choice. It's your choice to read about yourself, but mostly about me. It's your choice to keep reading till the end, till you know all the secrets and feelings I kept, till you know the good and the bad I had hidden in my heart, till you know how it really ends.
So choose.

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