Chapter 1:Once they see you as the villain, there's no going back...

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Chapter 1:Once they see you as the villain, there's no going back...

POVS:Nimona & Ballister



The door closed abruptly as the red light illuminated the cell. Ballister slumped down to the ground, not knowing what to do anymore

The director made it nice and clear to him that there wouldn't be anymore chances, not even a slim one. That he was done talking to the guards, to the people

To his lov-to Goldenloin...

He had no one to go back to, no one would believe him anyways, and now he would rot in this jail cell with only the comfort of the illuminated red lights with the creaking and turning gears of his old prosthetic a-

*Wait what?*

He turns his eyes slowly until he sees his actual prosthetic arm, moving? By itself? By a-

"I told you.." a girl, no younger than- no most likely older than that- said in to him in a whisper

"GAH!" Bal instinctively backed up against the wall to reach for a sword that was long gone before he arrived here. "Good Gloreth!"

The same girl that signed up for this 'job application' was sitting right on the bench in his cell

"Hey boss" the girl- Nimona said sadly, she looked at the floor sadly with ballister arm still in her hand. Said ex-guard was trying to make sense of how she appeared.

There wasn't any secret entrances, no fake walls, nothing that she could have used to get in here. It reminded him of her sitting in a chair but suddenly vanish without a trace. Only to be ontop of a makeshift room wearing his glasses and reading an old newspaper... "What? How-"

"Did I know that this would happen? Because once everyone sees you as a villain, That's what you are..." he swore that she sounded more older once she spoke "They only see you one way, No matter how hard you try.." They 'relax' in silence for a bit after she mumbled those last words that for some reason, stung. Like, stung stung. Bad

*What did the world do to this poor girl?*

The way she worded it, the way she's so...nonchalant about this whole situation was, concerning to say the least...

After another few seconds, her face turns to him in a sickening hopeful grin "Hey, you have it a good shot tough, I kinda gotta hand-" she picks up his prosthetic and gives him it "-it to you, Heh." Bal has no problem putting the arm back on as he sighs and let's out a soft "thank you" before-

"Don't thank me yet" he looks back at the bench and-"I still gotta get you out of here" -She's out of the cell...Not a peep, no clangs, no noise...

*Just like how she entered my home...*

And as he sees Nimona break him free, he knows he definitely saw her eyes glow a sickening bright red...


The punching the code breaker wasn't just because she was helping boss but she needed something to let her frustration out There!

Now the door opened with ease as boss could now walk out the door and they could start their way to rule over this kingdom and slaughter anyone who-

"Umm.." He starts to say. Still in the cell near the door, like wondering if he should stay in or not. Boooriing~

Eh no worries. Wasn't the first time one of her bosses did something like this

"No? Well I guess you could sit here for the rest of eternity slowly watching your muscles atrophy, your skin turning to rot, your nails growing into long-"

"Okay okay alright! I'm going but I'm in the lead!" Boss snapped

She snickers in response as while following boss as he took the lead. Anytime she had an explicit conversation about something they always gave in faster

"And, if you see anyone-"

"Murder them!" Her eyes turn into a bloody red as she holds a the knife that she stole from him behind her back

Surprisingly, boss doesn't agree "Hide! If you see anyone, Hide..." he sounded more, panicked and pleadingly. Almost, worried about them

Something they hadn't had in a long, long time...

They sighs and puts her dagger away. "Fine! Cause we're still gonna break stuff—"

"That's a hard no!" He bounced back


She pouted and ran towards him

So he didn't believe that he was a villain and was even a down-killer for their fun! Lame...


They didn't hate it...

Words used in the story:741

Criticism is welcomed but not anything to drastic or horrible bout it. First time full actually writing something so cut me some slack.

1/13 Edit:I'm updating all of the chapters here first before I begin chapter 7. Any missed Easter eggs or details I've missed will be added!!

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