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It's Monday night. The day Vic makes her official debut to the program. She puts the finishing touches on her makeup and looks at Rhea in the mirror. She's facing away from her, sliding her tank top over her head. Vic stands and walks up behind her.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

Rhea ignores her, repositioning her top before turning. She pushes past Vic and makes her way out of the dressing room. Sighing, Vic follows her out to gorilla. She watches as Rhea walks out when her music plays. Rhea does her stomp, holds up her title and looks around intimidatingly before walking to the ring and jumping in. Vic grabs a mic from someone and waits as she starts talking.

"Welcome to Monday. Night. Mami!"

The crowd cheers and Rhea soaks it up for a second before continuing.

"Let's talk Fastlane. It was not a good night for The Judgment Day. Saturday night my boys were-"

Vic's music starts to play and she walks out of gorilla towards the ring. Rhea stops speaking and looks at her with an unreadable expression.

"Please, continue. I'm just here for support." Vic winks as she jumps into the ring.

Rhea's upper lip twitches and she glares at Vic.

"Another thing about Fastlane. You showed up and meddled in business that wasn't yours." Rhea says.

Vic grins and shrugs, taking it as a thank you.

"You're not good enough to stand next to me in The Judgment Day." She continues.

The grin slowly disappears from Vic's face and she raises an eyebrow. Rhea's going off-script. They're supposed to get along, to support each other. What is she doing?

"Not good enough? As far as I'm concerned I saved your ass at Fastlane." Vic laughs a little and throws her arm out to the side.

"Saved my ass? I was fine without you. I've been fine without you for the past two years." Rhea smirks.

Vic knows what she's doing. What she was really saying there. That she has no regrets of leaving her.

"Fine. You want a challenge? I'll give you one." Vic replies.

Rhea crosses her arms and rolls her eyes and Vic turns to the audience.

"Would you all like to see Mami...right here, right now?" She asks.

The crowd erupts in a roar of cheers. Rhea looks around then back at Vic who looks back at her with a smirk. She ignores the fact that a ref just hopped into the ring next to them.

"I mean it wouldn't be the first time I was between Mami's legs."

The bell rings, signaling the start of the match and both women toss their mics to the side before going after each other. Rhea immediately clotheslines Vic, who stands back up and turns only to be clotheslined again.

"You wanted a match Victoria! You wanted this!" Rhea shouts as she pulls her up by her hair.

Vic groans as the ref hollers at Rhea. She lets go of her hair once she's on her feet and Vic immediately headbutts her. Rhea stumbles back a couple steps and grabs at her jaw, glaring at Vic. She storms back to her only for Vic to slap her across her face as hard as she can.

That was a mistake Vic made on purpose. She wants Rhea to get cocky, to get more confident. When she over feels her confidence she gets sloppy. Vic braces for the impact of the slap she's about to receive back, and doesn't have to work to sell it. Rhea slaps her and she falls to the side, groaning and grabbing her cheek. That hurt more than she remembered from...let's not lose focus.

Vic scrambles back to her feet and turns to Rhea again. She growls and runs at her, dodging her attempt to grab her for a riptide. She grabs Rhea's arm and pulls her with all her might, shoving on her back and throwing her between the ropes shoulder-first into the ring post. Rhea screams in pain on impact.

Just as she stumbles out of the corner, still facing away, Vic wraps her arms around her waist from behind and lifts her from the ground. Rhea's eyes widen and she reaches out for the ropes but can't grab them.

"Oh shit!" She shouts as Vic tosses her over her head, landing on the mat in a German suplex.

Rhea is stunned. Hardly moving and looking up with distant eyes. She's not sure how that just happened. Vic takes advantage, immediately grabbing her legs and pulling them up, pressing Rhea's knees close to her face as she presses herself to her. Using Rhea's own signature pin against her, Vic smirks as the crowd rises to their feet while the ref counts.


Vic tosses Rhea to the side and rises to her feet. Laughing as the ref raises her arm into the air. She looks down at a stunned, then pissed off Rhea Ripley and winks.

"Mami's reign is over! Victoria just became the first person to pin Rhea Ripley in over 500 days!" One of the commentators shouts.

Vic walks out of the ring first and goes backstage. She makes her way to The Judgment Day's dressing room, ignoring anyone who tries to stop to talk to her. Ignoring confused offers of congratulations. She ignores everything and everyone.

Damian and Dom are in the room, but they don't say anything. Just watch as Vic enters and goes behind a privacy divider to change out of her gear. She doesn't acknowledge them either as she comes back out and sits down in the vanity chair. She crosses her legs and folds her arms, waiting for Rhea.

When she comes storming through the door, she's fuming. Her face is red, her hair's a mess and she looks at the boys, not acknowledging Vic is even there. Damian can tell she's pissed and tap's Vic on the arm.

"Come on, let's go." He says.

Vic doesn't take her eyes off Rhea and her voice is loud when she speaks.

"No. Why should we tiptoe around her? You know what Demi? You want to talk about someone ruining your career? You're the one going off script."

Rhea's eyes snap to her and she balls her fists.

"I wouldn't have had to if YOU hadn't have shown up when nobody wanted you to!" Rhea bites back.

"Triple H called me. I didn't ask to come back. So yeah, someone DID want me here. You're pathetic if you think I'd show up and choose to align myself with the likes of you." She rolls her eyes.

"The likes of me?" Rhea laughs angrily and rolls her eyes.

"Yes! The likes of you! The bitch that didn't have the balls to tell me to my face that she was leaving! The bitch that made me want to leave all this behind! The bitch that made me want to..." Vic takes a deep breath.

"Made you want to what?" Rhea speaks just a tad lower.

"You're right. I never deserved you, you're right. All the pain you caused me? I deserved better than you. This situation isn't changing so just let me coexist. Haven't you done enough?"

Before Rhea can respond, Vic grabs her things and pushes past her, leaving her behind with the boys in the dressing room.

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