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Rhea pushes Vic off her and grabs her by her hair, pulling her head back hard. She sucks in air through her teeth while Rhea pulls her to her feet. Rhea goes to swing at Vic when she's pulled away by Buddy, his arm around her waist. She's kicking and groaning in pain trying to get back to Vic while he drags her from the room and out to the medics.

Once they're in the room, Rhea shoves his hand off her and sits on the bench, waiting while the doctor looks her over. She's seething, her face flushed and red but not just from the blood. Buddy can tell something's up with her.

"Demi what is going on? What was all that about?" He asks.

Rhea just shrugs her shoulders then hisses at the pain in her side.

"Well obviously you two dated. But what's the story? Why did you go after her like that?" He presses.

"Let it go Matt." Rhea snaps. 

Buddy decides to drop it for now, knowing she's obviously too upset to talk. He watches as the doctor bandages her up and cleans her cuts. Telling her to rest until her next match.

Meanwhile back in the dressing room, Vic is invited by the guys to travel back to Florida with them. Get to know them better since they'll all be working together now. Their flight leaves soon, so Vic goes to grab her things from her dressing room before meeting the guys at the Uber.

The ride to the airport is interesting. Dom is complaining about skipping dinner and Finn is telling him he should have went to catering during the show. Damian rolls his eyes when Dom says they didn't have chicken tenders.

"Chicken tenders?" Vic asks.

"He's a child it's all he eats." Damian elaborates.

"Well I do enjoy a good fry with ketchup and-"

"No! It has to be ranch." Dom interrupts.

Vic just laughs and shakes her head. Damian chuckles and looks to Finn who turns in his spot in the front seat and looks at Vic behind him.

"So why did you leave the WWE?" He asks.

It's an innocent enough question, but not one that she expected to be answering so soon. She looks to Damian for help, and he distracts Finn.

"Look we're here." He says, nodding towards the airport.

Finn turns back around and he and Dom file out of the car, grabbing their bags from the back. Vic looks to Damian and smiles. He winks back at her and they get out as well. Damian grabs his bags and Dom hands Vic hers.

"Thanks Dom." She smiles and walks inside with the boys.

Thankfully, Rhea is flying home with Buddy on a separate flight. So she won't have to deal with her for the rest of the night.

The next day, back in Florida, the entirety of The Judgment Day has been summoned to the Performance Center for a meeting with Triple H. Vic walks in and finds the guys upstairs in the meeting room already. They're chatting away about Fastlane and what it means for the group.

Triple H walks in and smiles at them all, thanking them for coming. He's just about to ask where Rhea is when she storms into the room and plops down in a chair opposite of Vic at the table. Great, she's still angry. He looks at her then at the rest of the group and smiles.

"Thanks for coming. I'd like to officially welcome Victoria back to WWE. We're glad to have you." He says.

Vic smiles at him and nods in acknowledgment.

"Now down to business. The plans for Monday night. Victoria, you're going to talk to the crowd. Rhea, you're going to be reconciling with your ex tag partner and girlfriend."

Triple H continues talking about the plan in more detail. Vic glances at Rhea every now and then when he mentions the two of them together. She's just nodding her head, leaning back in the chair, manspreading, anger plastered on her face; keeping quiet. Vic turns her attention back to Triple H as he wraps up his plan.

"And Rhea. Your behavior last night was unacceptable. You need to get over anything personal that's going on. This is happening whether you like it or not. Victoria is officially a Judgment Day member. Look on the bright side, now you have someone to watch your back in the ring." He says. "You're all dismissed."

Vic and the boys stand from their chairs and make their way back downstairs.

"Hey Vic do you want to come to lunch with us? We can all get to know each other some more." He smiles.

Meanwhile, upstairs Rhea is still talking with Triple H.

"I remember what happened but you're not being fair you need to be kinder to her. This group is happening, figure it out." He tells her.

"You think I have someone to watch my back? No! I never did!" Rhea starts yelling. "Do you want to know what my biggest fucking mistake is in my life? My biggest fucking regret? Here's a hint. Her name's Victoria! You know me! You know that was the hardest point in my personal life. Now she wants to come back and for what? She wants to ruin me! Ruin everything I've worked so hard to build for myself! She doesn't deserve this! To be here! Hell, she never fucking deserved me!"

Rhea storms out of the room before Triple H has a chance to respond. Vic, Damian, Finn and Dom are all standing downstairs in surprise. The entirety of the performance center has gone quiet. Every last person in the room having heard everything Rhea said to Triple H. Vic is in shock, she's frozen, unmoving. She's starting to remember just how cold Rhea can really be.

Damian puts a comforting hand on her shoulder, snapping her back into reality as Rhea walks down the stairs. When she sees everyone staring back at her she realizes they all heard what she just said. Her face softens, regretting her words instantly. Her eyes find Vic's. How could she do that to the girl she once loved?

Rhea stops before the group.


"Thanks for the invite guys but I have plans." She interrupts before ducking her head slightly and quickly making her way past Rhea and out of the performance center.

Damian knows that was BS and follows a sighing Rhea back to her house. She reluctantly lets him follow her inside and turns to him. He's pissed and she can tell before he even opens his mouth.

"Why would you say those things? You know they're not true!" He says. "She's kind and not at all like you were describing her! Demi I've known you a long time and the girl I know would never have treated anyone like this. Let her be, let her do her job. She doesn't deserve to be miserable."

Buddy comes walking into the room with a look of confusion.

"What the hell are you two on about?" He asks, looking at Rhea. "You need to be honest with me."

Rhea shakes her head and looks to Damian.

"This is your mess. You clean it up." He says before turning and leaving the house.

Buddy looks at the door, then back at Rhea. Waiting for an explanation. Something. But she just stares back at him.

"Demi what the hell is going on?"

"Don't worry about it Matt." She replies.

"Well I am fucking worried! You're upset. You're angry. You have Priest coming in our home yelling at you. And Priest doesn't yell unless there's a reason to." He says, folding his arms.

"I don't want to talk about it Matt end of story!" Rhea shouts.

"I know it has to do with this Vic girl. What's the story behind you two, Rhea? Tell me what's going on so I can help you." He says, walking over and reaching for her.

"Don't you fucking understand the word no? I don't. Want. To. Talk. About it." She iterates.

Buddy's shoulders slump in defeat. She's not going to talk to him like he wants her to. It's clear she doesn't want him to know anything and it bothers him. Instead of continuing to press for details, Buddy grabs his keys from the table by the door.

"Matt.." Rhea says, turning around and watching him.

He just shakes his head slightly, a mixture of frustration, sadness and anger on his face. Buddy opens the door and leaves.

Leaving Rhea alone in the house.

Dark and BrutalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz