Not Weak

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Dom, Finn and JD turn their heads towards Vic in shock. They're sitting with Seth, Cody, Sami, Becky and others.

"Is that the only way you can get a chance at the title? I mean since management won't give you a title run you have time hurt someone just to get a chance right? And look! You still fucking failed." Vic continues shouting.

Nia is in her face by the end of it. Fists balled, anger clear as day on her face.

"Oh is someone butt hurt that I hurt their pretty little girlfriend? Oh, sorry, EX girlfriend. Didn't she leave you?" Nia laughs.

Vic doesn't have time to think before her fist connects with Nia's face. Blood pours from her nose as she stumbles back. Triple H walks into the room and looks at them both just as Nia is about to swing at Vic.

"Nia sit down." He orders.

"That crazy bitch hit me!" Nia shouts.

"Sit. Down. I'm not asking you." He replies.

Nia sits in a chair and grabs napkins to hold on her bloody nose. Triple H turns to Vic.

"What is going on here?" He asks.

"That bitch is dangerous and you fucking know it. Look at all the injuries she's given people and now your biggest talent is in medical!" Vic replies in a shout.

"I saw it and I will handle it. Now back off before you also end up in my office."

Nia looks up at him pissed.

"She can just punch me like that?" She yells.

"And you can just injure talent?" Triple H retorts immediately looking back at her, daring her to say something more.

Nia's mouth shuts and she continues to hold her nose. Vic is still fuming when Dom grabs her hand and leads her back to The Judgment Day's dressing room. She silently starts packing her things up when they get there.

Rhea is on the couch, cluelessly eating a plate of fruit when JD walks in and looks at Vic.

"That was badass. I like a girl who can hit." He winks at her.

"Would you like to join her in the medic's office? Then back the fuck off." Vic replies.

Damian laughs, but Rhea slows her chewing and lowers the hand with an orange slice she was about to eat.

"Join who? What the fuck did you do?" She asks.

"It was awesome! She punched Nia right in the face. Probably broke her nose." JD speaks excitedly.

Vic looks at him and glares with her fists balled. His laugh catches in his throat and he holds his hands up saying he'll stop.

"You did what?!" Rhea yells.

Vic spins on her heel to look at her and throws her arms out to the sides.

"So what? She deserved it!"

"That's not the point. The point is I can fight my own battles." Rhea replies in anger.

"Yeah because you've been doing such a great job at that." Vic rolls her eyes.

"Rhea she didn't do anything wrong. Nia had that coming. Why do you think she's in Triple H's office and not Vic?" Dom interrupts before turning to Vic. "Vic, relax."

Rhea sets her plate down and sighs.

"You should finish that." Vic says.

"I lost my appetite." Rhea speaks with annoyance.

She looks away, grabbing her phone to scroll through her socials. She's not weak and she doesn't want Vic to see her as a weak person.

Vic sighs and finishes packing her things before sitting next to Rhea on the couch.

"Let's go. Let's get out of here." She says.

"It's not over yet. We should be here till the end in case they need us." Rhea replies flatly.

"Did I ask? Let's go." Vic speaks a little more firmly.

Rhea shakes her head and stands. Grabbing her things before walking out. Vic grabs her bags and follows Rhea out.

The ride to the hotel is quiet. Almost painfully silent. Even the driver doesn't speak. Rhea is scrolling through her phone and Vic stares out the window, looking over at Rhea now and then. Once they get back to the hotel and into their room, Rhea sets her bags down. She looks out the window silently.

"Turn around." Vic says.

Rhea turns to face her. "What?"

"Let me." Vic says as she reaches for Rhea's shirts, pulling them up and over her head.

Rhea silently lets Vic undress her, guiding her into the bathroom as she does. Vic turns the shower on and undresses herself before grabbing Rhea's hands and pulling her into the shower.

She looks in Rhea's eyes, but she can't read her. Her walls are up and there's no emotion showing. Vic tucks some of Rhea's hair behind her ear and kisses her softly, almost sadly. Rhea softly kisses back, her tensed body slowly relaxing before she pulls away.

"I don't want you to see me like that. As don't have to fight my battles for me, I'm not someone you have to take care of." Rhea says softly.

"What's wrong with that? Do you think he cares for you because he has to? No, it's because he loves you..." Vic trails off, feeling a little pained after saying that.

"At this point I'm kind of sad I missed that." Rhea jokes with s chuckle.

"Missed what?" Vic asks.

"My girl punching her in the face. That would've been kind of hot."

Vic laughs and shakes her head. They finish showering and step out, drying off before each putting on panties and a t-shirt. They settle on the bed and Vic looks at Rhea.

"Next time, if you can't take care of yourself tell me. I can make sure you're doing okay." Vic says.

"Victoria I don't want that to be your responsibility. It's mine and mine only." Rhea replies.

"Again, I didn't ask. I'm telling you."

Rhea sighs and nods finally. "I'll be better."

"You know, I was coming to congratulate you." Vic says, looking at Rhea's lips then back at her eyes.

"Oh really." Rhea says.

"I guess cuddles will have to do for tonight. Besides, Buddy sounds a little jealous." Vic shrugs.

"He's never jealous what are told him about the plane." She puts together.

They both start laughing before Vic grabs the remote and puts a movie on. One she remembers Rhea used to love watching.

"Relax." Vic says as she pulls Rhea in to cuddle.

She plants soft kisses down Rhea's neck, making her relax into Vic's arms. They both fall asleep before they even get halfway into the movie.

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