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We didn't talk much about candor wanting to me to come to them. I didn't want to think about reliving the worst night of my life. The pain it caused.

Marlene and maggie kept me occupied by the wedding planning. We are two days away from our wedding. Friday night we will be married. I sighed happily looking up at Eric as he sat across from me on my office. He was reading something on his tablet and he didn't look happy.

"Eric? Every thing okay?" I asked as I put down the paperwork i was filing on my desk.

"They want you to come in tommrrow." He said grimly. Not looking at me just at his tablet.

"Fine." I said in a soft voice. I want to get it over with. I hate that it is literally the day before my wedding. But I just want to move on and never think of him again.

"Are you sure? I can force them to push the issue." He said and walked over to me. He kneeled by my chair and spun me to face him.

"Do you need me to push it? Just say the word baby girl." He said grabbing my hand and kissed the ring on my finger.

"Let's just get it over with. We will do it tommrrow. Make it known I am done with it and we will forget about him. Then we will get married and be happy." I told him placing a hand on his face softly.

"Baby. I don't want him to ruin our wedding day." Eric almost whispered and I felt the distress in my whole body.

"Honey. We don't have to have him ruin everything. Especially if we don't give him the power too."

''I can't wait to spend the west of my life with you." Eric said and reached up to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss. It felt so natural to kiss Eric. He was my home. My sanctuary in this fucked up situration.

"You know. If you keep kneeling there you might as well be useful." I mused. Knowing exactly how to take his mind off this situation.

He smirked and reached his hands up to my zipper. Taking a slow descent of his fingers and my zipper. Something about this man in his knees for me always makes my panties dampen. This powerful man. Just sitting there so.... Vulnerable. It makes me horny.


We stood at the doors of the train. The wind blowing my hair around in the ponytail I had it in. Eric stood next to me with my hand in his. He played with my engagement ring. Something he had done a lot. I think it brings him comfort. I know it brings me some.

I looked out as the candor sector is coming closer and closer. I felt a bundle of nerves settle in my stomach. I will be seeing my rapist for the final time today. I don't want to. I hate the feeling of being at his mercy.

I followed Eric numbly as we jump from the train and walked through the sea of white. We stuck out like sore thumbs. Our black clothes. Us both armed to the t. It gave me a sense of safety as I felt my gun thump against my thigh. The knifes on my thigh clanked together. I put the ones on that Eric have me so many months ago. His name and ring are worn proudly.

''Are you ready?'' Eric asked his hand on the dark handle to open the doors. I looked up into his eyes. I knew I would be safe with him.

"Just stay close?" I asked. Knowing the answer but needing to hear it.

"Always baby." He was trying to be professional and not overly touchy but he reached forward and caressed my face softly and I leaned into his hand and kiss his thumb that he swiped across my bottom lip.

He pulled away and opened the door. I walked in and was greeted by Jack. The leader of Candor. He was younger than I remember him being during our last meeting. But I didn't really meet or talk with him and it had been over two months since we had talked.

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