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I went to open the door when Maggie grabbed my hand. She nodded her head to my apartment and I felt my heart drop. She even knows he does not want me. I followed her to my apartment.

"I would offer you tea or coffee but I don't have anything here since I have been with Eric for 3 weeks." I mumbled standing against my counter in thr kitchenette as she sat on one the counter next to me.

"I had us come over here because I have a feeling Eric will be over here in less than 5 minutes. I'd pretend I didn't hear them and let him explain." She said with a smell smile.

"How do you know?" I asked nervously.

"I have known Eric for 4 years now. And I have never seen him cry. Or almost cry. So I think he won't stay away long." She said and squeezed my arm.

"I just want my Eric back. I never got the malicious Eric. But now I am and I hate it." I told her wiping some dust off the counter next to me. I should probably clean. "I don't mean to be rude. But I think I need to be alone right now."

"Just remember that he isn't use to being vulnerable and he was going back to what felt normal. He really does love you." She said and jumped down. She hugged me and I held her tightly for a minute before releasing her. I smiled at her as she opened the door. I turned my back before she left and I found peace in the silence. Until I realized I wasn't alone.

"Ann." I jumped and turned to Eric. My heart was pounding almost painfully in my chest. I almost wondered if he could hear it. I lowered my gaze and picked at the dead leaves on the half dead plant in front of me.

"What can I do for you Eric? I am kind of out of the energy for berating commentd right now." I sniped as I turned and grab a rag from under my sink and wet it.

"I didn't come to do anything of the sorts." He said and he looked truly uncomfortable. Good. He deserves to be after the last 3 weeks of hell he put me through.

"Then why are you here?" I asked again trying to keep my voice even as I started to wipe down the counter throwing the dead plants in the trash with a smell sigh. All my herbs are dead.

"I came to apologize." He said stepping in to grab a big plant that was still somewhat alive. I felt anxiety go through me. Not for me. But him. That was more than 50 lbs.

"Eric. Your weight restrictions go to plants as well." I said and shooed him away with my rag. He held his hands in surrender.

"Ann. Can we sit and talk?" He asked walking around the corner to where I was rinsing the rag for the second time. He pulled the rag from my hand and I let him lead me to my couch. It was really more of a love seat so sitting together on it meant we touched legs even sitting and facing each other.

"Okay. Talk." I told him looking at the frayed edges of his sweatshirt.

"I have the overbearing need to protect you. From the moment I laid eyes on you that first day. I felt this need to maker sure you are okay. That is why I picked you. I picked you to keep you safe. I picked you because even though you didn't like it. You would hurt people to better your ranks. You were. You are the perfect dauntless leader. But when things changed with us. The need to protect you became stronger. Than the fight at Abengation. I almost died. As I laid there on that ground I could see leaving you alone. How it would destroy you. I had to fight. I had to keep fighting. Not for me. But for you." He stopped and I didn't speak. I lifted my eyes to his and they were brimming with unshed tears.

"Then I lived. But I feel like I can't protect you. I can barley pick up a gun with out pain. I can't do anything but sit at a desk for the next week and half before light work outs. What even is a light work out. But I digress. I have been feeling all out of sorts and I went back to what I know. And you never deserved that. I am truly sorry baby. I want you back at our apartment. I want you back in our bed. I want you. I never stopped wanting you." He all of a sudden got in his knees in front of me and pulled out a smell bow. He opened it and sat inside was a little dimond on a gold band. Nothing huge. But I was huge to me.

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