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I was sitting in my bunk when I heard a large ticking sound. I got up and walked towards the opening in the door way. Standing above me was a giant spider. Its large beady eyes look straight at me. It mouth had large pinchers that snapped at me. This Spider was the size of a fucking truck.

"Holy fuck!" I screamed and ran back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Jacob asked looking concerned going towards the door.

"There is the biggest spider I have ever seen out there." I squealed grabbing the knives Eric gave me.

"Come on. Stop being a baby." Jacob said and walked toward the door.

"Jacob. Don't." I yelled just as I see a large hairy limb came and pirced Jacob through the chest. Blood sprayed frim his mouth and his chest. I screamed and ran towards him.

"Your fine. Your fine." I said as he collapsed against me. His blood soaking in to me. He gurgled as he tried to speak.

I grabbed a sheet off of the bunk next to me and held it tightly to his chest. He was still coughing up blood and he looked so scared.

"You are just fine. I promise." I told him as I blinked away tears. For the first time I sae tears in his eyes.

"Te-ll N-nik-k-i that I l-ove h-e-r." He finally mangered and grabbed my hand. His hand was covered in blood.

"You are going to tell her yourself. Do you hear me." I told him and started to get up. My hands shaking as I wipped the blood on my pants.

"Don't leave." He chocked grabbing my hand.

"I am killing that thing and you are getting out of here alive." I told him and squeezed his hand.

I let go of his hand and grabbed one if my knives I creeped towards the door trying t I be as silent as possible. I peeked around the door. A hairy limp dashed put and almost hit me. I jumped back my heart pounding. I closed my eyes and counted backwards from 20. Once I got to one I gripped the knife harder and Eric's voice was in my head.

"Feel the weight of the knife. Use it to your advantage. Be confident in your throw." I bounced the knife in my hand and quickly turned the corner. I threw the knife and hit the spider straight in his eye. I pilled the other out and threw it in the middle of his head. The spider dropped dead and I yelled for help. As I run back to Jacob. He was still breathing but shallowly. I was pulled away from Jacob and then pulled out of the simulation.

I gasped in the chair. Four was looking at me surprised. I looked down at my hands clear of blood. I was shaking.

"You have been the fastest yet. 16 minutes." Four said touching buttons on yhe screen.

"16 minutes? God it felt like forever." I pant as he unhook the wires from my temple.

"Well, you are lucky that you don't have to do this everyday. You only have 6 more days of these. " Four grumbled as he pointed towards the door.

I walked out with shakey hand and was faced with Jacob, Andy and Ian sitting in the long hallway. It was hard to look at Jacob without seeing blood on him.

"That bad?" Andy asked worriedly.

"Yeah." I breathed and walked out of the room.

Eric told me to met in his apartment after i was done with my fear landscape. I walked up the stairs thinking about it. Was in scared of spiders yes. But what about Jacob. Was it deeper than that. Was I scare of feeling helpless because that is Excatly what I felt.

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