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Our truck was loaded before the others and we were sitting on the back watching the others. Max said we couldn't help as they aren't doing things efficient like we did. Only one group decided to take our approach and they were close to finishing.

"Hey. Good thinking." Ian nudges me side. I immediately scoot closer to Jacob and smiled at Ian.

"Thanks." I said and watched the wave of black move around. Max was observing the groups of inituates moving back and forth. I saw Eric tapping something on a tablet. I jumped down and walked over to him.

"Okay. I am bored. What are you tapping aggressively away about." I said and stood next to him and looked over the tablet.

"I think they have cut us on some bags. We should have 250 of wheat which is what you loaded. But we only marking 200." He grumbled and recounted the bags on the truck from where we were. "Yeah. 200. Do you know who organizes this on Amity's side?"

"My father." I said and looked down. Of course he'd fuck up things to get back at me.

"Well let's pay him a visit. Max." Eric said and explained to max the situations.

"Lauren. You're in charge." Max hollered over the noise. She nodded and went back to yelling at the dauntless to hurry up.

Eric led the way to the Amity trucks. My mother was standing by a truck looking up into it. By her smile I knew my dad was in it. I hesitated slightly and Eric place a hand on my back and pushed me forward.

"Excuse me. Mrs. Davis. I am Max. Dauntless leader. It seems we have been shorted 50 bags of wheat." Max said and held out his hand. My mother turned concerned until she saw me.

"There must be a mistake. On our paper it says 200." My mother said and took a quick glance at her paper and then held it to her chest quickly. Like she is hiding something.

"Well you see. Eric. On our approved list from Amity. It says 250. Now let's see your list and see where the mistake is." Max said and showed Eric's tablet. My mom stepped back shocked at Max's sharpness in his tone. My father decided then to climb out of the truck. I stepped back slightly against Eric. He placed a reassuring hand on my back.

"Now let's see this." He grumbled not taking his eyes off of me. Max stepped in his view hiding me from his Gaze. My father looked down at the tablet and huffed.

"Barbara. Get these people their extra bags." My fathe gruffed and shoved the tablet back into Max's hands.

"Thank you. Have the day you deserve." Max said and turned his back on him. He motioned for us to go ahead of him. Almost like he was protecting me from my father's gaze.

"Can I at least get a hug from my daughter?" My father asked in a low voice. We all stopped. I turned and saw his leering face at me. I wanted to crul into myself. I cross my arms across my front.

"You ever fucking look at her again I'll cut your eyes out." Eric threatened walking towards him. Max threw his arm up to stop him and my father stepped back with fear in his eyes.

"You feel that fear? Hold onto it. Because I will kill you for even touching her." Eric said lowly before turning his back on my father and turning me away and ushering me away. Max walking behind us.

"I'm fine." I heard my father yell and a truck door slamming. He is losing control. I smiled. Good. We walked back hearing my mom following behind us. She was talking to someone and telling them to get us 50 bags.

"You good?" Max asked from behind me. Eric had long dropped his hand and I saw him look at me. I looked back at Max and nodded. I know it isn't the truth. I hate that I feel his hands on me when ever he looks at me. I hate him.

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