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*Ann POV*

I woke up lying on Eric's chest. His steady heartbeat and hands rubbing my back brought me peace. I sighed opening my eyes and looked up at him. His eyes watching me and he smiled softly meeting my gaze.

"What time is it?" I asked looking around. 2:48 pm was on the alarm clock on the dresser.

"Almost time to leave." He said and say is up slowly.

"I am sorry about today. In my panic the only thing I knew was that you were what I needed." I said standing from his lap.

"Hey. You never have to apologize. Especially for needing me. Okay?" He said and grabbed my hand pulling it to his mouth and placed a soft kiss to it.

"It felt so real and it sent me into a spiral. I couldn't speak or move. All i could do is scrub them once I felt more pain then his hands I just collapsed. Thank God for Niki because I don't know how long i would have sat there for. I know you probably were in a meeting because I know you would have come to me." I said intertwining our hands.

"I was in a meeting. My mind wasn't on it. It was on you. When Jacob came into the room it felt like my world has stopped. The fear I had for you." Eric mumbled with a far away look in his eyes. I leaned down and kissed him. He is my safe space.

"Your name is all I could say. Jacob asked me what he could do and all I said was your name. Your are my safe space." I told him and this time he kissed me hard. His arms went around my waist and pulled me to him. I pulled back and smiled down at him. I could get use to this view.

I took the moment before looking around the room. My eyes landing in my nightstand. I was horrified and blushed deeply. He knows what I have spent the last almost 2 weeks doing. But an idea popped into my head. I walked to the nightstand and picked up the wand. I could feel Erics eyes on me as I turned it on. I walked back to him and grabbed his hand. I wrapped his hand around the handle before removing his sweats. I was now bare to him fron the waist down. I leaned down to kiss him and straddled him when he went to say something. As I kissed him I grabbed his hand and guided him to place the vibrating part of the want against my Clit.

I pulled back and moaned his name. He leaned forward and started to kiss my neck. I kept my hand on his as he held the vibrator against me. It gave me the sense of control. That I am controling what happens and that he is allowing me to make the choices.

"Does this make you wet baby girl? You having control." Eric asked in a husky voice.

I reached forward with my free hand and pulled his free hand to my center to feel the wetness that is slicking up my thighs. He barley touched me there and I wanted to pull away but I pushed away those feelings. He groaned and put the tips if his fingers in my entrance.

"My naughty little girl." He whispered right as I came hard.

"God. Eric." I moan loudly covering his hand.

I felt a rush of wetness over my hand and looked down. He had a wet spot on his jeans. I blushed hard and watch him pull both hands away. He lifted his mouth and licked his fingers.

"Now that is dessert. And just for me." He said and smiled at me.

I blushed hard and got off of him. He pulled down to sit on the bed before excusing himself. When he came back he was in black sweats with a washcloth that was wet with warm water. He cleaned my thighs and even asked me if I was okay with him cleaning me up there. Which is sexy on it's own.

I sat up and walked to his drawers where I put a pair of leggings. I didn't feel any embarrassment or panic. I felt like I was riding a high from the peace serum. I only know what that feels like because they gave me some after I had a series of panic attacks in the hospital.

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