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I hit the net with a thud but I laugh. Really, truly laughed. I haven't done that in months. I felt the net get pulled and I rolled to the person. It was a tall dark haired men. He helped me down.


"Um. Ann." I said quickly.

"First Jumper. Ann." He yells to the smaller group of people standing around. He ushered me too the left.

I looked around and saw Beatrice Prior. I took a step to talk to her but got distracted by a strangled scream coming from the whole above us. Down came a bundle of blue. Jacob. He hit the net and let out a stangled cry when it started to move. I laughed. He looked at me through the holes and glares.

Erica is next. She came to stand with us but the man tisked as her and nodded his head to the right. Dauntless borns must be separated for training.

It went like this for a while. There were 18 dauntless borns and 12 transfers. 30 initiates in total. Eric was the final person to come down. He fell with his arms laid out like wings. His arms muscles flex as he prepares for the hit of the net. He didn't wait for the man we have been told to call Four to help him. He just crawl across..

I grew hot as I watch him. I should not be thinking this. He is my leader. I drew my eyes away from him and back to Jacob. He was talking to Niki.

"Okay. Transfers follow Tris and Four while dauntless borns follow Lauren. I will see everyone at dinner. Then tommrrow. The real stuff begins." Eric said and walked away with the a few other men wearing similar clothes.

Four and Tris started to show us the compound. I noticed that it get colder as we further down. I crossed my arms now regreting that I threw out my bright cardigan. Jacob shrugged off his blue blazer and wrapped it around me and went back to whispering with Niki.

"This is the where you are going to be sleeping. It is not fun. It is uncomftable. Trust me. I was in your shoes 2 years ago. So get comftable. You will feel right at home Amity. With the whole communial living situration." Tris said as we walked around the cement room. There were beds lined across in three rows of five. The bathroom was much like the bathrooms at Amity. I guess it is like Amity somewhat.

I guess I am more prepared than most people. There were piles of clothes on each side of the room. One for girls and one for the boys. Me and Niki were the only girls along the transfers so we were able to get our sizes. Small for me and medium for her.

I went to change by the bed I chose between Jacob and Niki. If I am going to trust anyone it would be them since Erica isn't here. Erica has something about her that i just connect with. We already figured to get together after dinner so we can spend to 1000 points we get at the begining of initaion. The longer we stay and the higher we climb the ranks we get more points.

I plan on staying in the top 5. Maybe the top 2. I am gunning for that leadership role. I took off my shirt and was met with a gasp. From niki. She must have seen the scar. I shrugged and pulled on the black sweater.

"I thought Amity is all about kindness?" Niki said while changing her pants.

"Yeah. They are suppose to be. I defected for a reason" I told her as I pulled my hair into a pony tail.

I am not ready to tell total strangers yet. Maybe I will. But I don't need their pitty. I don't need their "you are so strong." If I was strong I could stand men giving me hugs or helping cross a bridge without having an anxiety attack.

Niki had nothing left to say and for once neither did Jacob. We walked towards the pit together. The Chasm was connected the bunks to the rest of dauntless. I stood on the metal bridge and looked down. The water was rushing and it brought me peace.

"You go ahead. I'll be there in a minute." I told them and smiled.

They went ahead and I just stared at the rushing waters splashing the rocks. It is like the creek Me and James use to run next to.

"You aren't going to jump already?" A deep voice asked.

I jumped slightly. I looked up and was met with blue eyes. Eric. I smiled slightly.

"No. I am here for a reason. But not jump. Peace of mind maybe?" I said looking back at the water.

"Peace? Here? Peace does not exist here." He said almost menacing as he stands next to me and looks at the water with me.

"Peace happens if you allow it. Maybe it is Amity Bullshit that has been drilled in me. But when You go through what I had to. You find peace when you can." I told him and looked back to him. He is kind of beautiful when he is in this lighting. Not sexy or evil. Just beautiful which is weird to put it but that it the best way to describe it.

"Well, we'll beat the Amity out of you." He laughed and walked away without looking at me.

I watched him walk away. For some reason I have a feeling that menacing personality is just a cover. I got good at pretending. So I can see it in someone else.

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