Chapter 3. - Green and Orange Faces

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This chapter contains themes that may be distressing to some readers, including:


-Psychological Distress

-Blood and Injury

Reader discretion is advised.


-> (Dark) orange can respresent distrust, green symbolizes a new beginning]


A heavy and shaking breathing was the only response he could get. Solar's right hand was against his knee, resulting to have a crouched position while he was wrapping his other hand around his shoulder, pressing desprait against it to somehow connect them again, but the only change was that the hiss noises and yellow, burning sparks got soften and that the cables showed themselves through the little slits between his fingers. "M-Moon?!", he muttered under heavy breathes, trying to calm his heartbeat down through making a slow breath exercise, but the adrenalin and anxiety prevented a clear thinking. "You look like shit, Eclipse. I thought you'd always appear with these dramatic performances", Moon mocks while crossing his arms over his chest, tipping with his fingertips on his upper arm, a habit from him that is usually a signal of feeling high tension. "Moon, I'm not your--" "Computer, activate guns", Moon interrupted and sniped with his finger.

Solar turned his head around.

Countless guns where pointed at him, ready to shoot when Moon gives the signal. Every red point, which was from the gun pulled to his figure, was directed to every part of his body. The light irritated his pupils, wherefore he blocked with his hand the nearest light source to gain a clear sight again.

"Okay, Eclipse. What are your pathetic last words? Like I always come back?" A shadow laid on the attendant's face, his red eyes pushing through with their unsettling apprearence. His gaze was fixed on him, slightly analysing his body.

Solar's attention was immediately drawned on Moon and because of the sudden movement his arm fell completely down, completely forgetting about the light. His gaze fixated speechless on the daycare attendant while he was wrapping his before used hand around one of his rays, resulting because of the pressure he exerted onto it to start to crumble.

"Okay okay, Moon, LISTEN!", Solar was saying while backing carefully away, the shine in his pupils catching up slowly, creating a dragging effect. As he let go of his ray, resulting to bounce a while because of the low pressure it was suddenly under, he coordinated his hands in front of him, reffering to halt before the guns could attack. "What?" Moon raised his eyebrow as he noticed Solar's sign, waiting impatiently for his response. Due to the stress he was in, caused by Moon's waiting and the guns coming slowly after him, his reply was stuttering and brittle, using his hand movements fast and precise to increase his credibilty:"You remember the day where you've sent...Lunar to a dimension", he fast added, "My dimension to be exact?" "I guess? I don't care what the old Moon did, but what has that to do with anything?" Moon was getting more calm, appeared in letting his arms relaxed hanging and using his body language more, but the suspection in his eyes was still there, it was just getting supressed in the background. "You idio--", Solar cut himself off before letting out a sharp sigh, laying his head in one of his hand, but looking through the uncovered places annoyed to Moon. "Dimensional traveller."

(How did that suddenly happen?)

It was possible that due to the situation he was right in now and the stress and anxiety that has been catching up more and more, he doesn't have his behaviour completely under control. Solar was also still overwhelmed, appearing in the muddly thoughts, sweat drops running down his face and the loud ringing of his heartbeat, feeling it clearly pounding in his chest and suppressing some of the background noices. "Again?! FUCK", the attendant shouted exhausted. The mechanic flinched because of the the sudden loudness, but kept his face emotionless. "Are you that kind of person who eats with his eyes, like this...", he looked for the name, until he sniped sucessfully with his fingers and bowed down a bit to see him directly in the eye, "Wally Wonder?" "Who? And why should I eat with my eyes?", he tilted confused his head, the response from Moon was with the thumb pointed to the daycare tower, his eyes following his movement, but not moving his head:"Sun knows more about this thingy."

Two Faces // A TSAMS AU [Canceled, I guess?]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz