Chapter 2. - The Home Sinks Into Blue

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This chapter contains themes that may be distressing to some readers, including:


-Dark Atmosphere

-Graphic Depictions of Violence

-Body Horror

-Psychological Distress

Reader discretion is advised.


[ ->The negative meaning of the blue color represents anxiety and fear. ]

It was a scream.

Solar's scream.

"Y-You...", Solar stuttered under chocked breathes, his hands pressed against the floor to keep his weak upper body up, " hit me..." As soon as he broke the eye contact with Moon, his gaze wandered through his damaged body, where streams of oil from his left eye, his cheeks and his mouth leaks as well as from his ellbows and shoulders. Every single part of him was shaking uncontrollably. His breaths rang in his ears, were irregular and broken. His wounds, esspecially around the eye, burned like hell. His throat was dry. His legs were laying on the floor as his lowerbody was flinching and feeling too light, too weak. 

He didn't feel like he was existing anymore...

"If you'd have shut your mouth before, then that wouldn't have happend." His body language didn't show any sympathy, just his suppressed aggression as well as his quick hand movement, having almost no overview. "I'm trying to bring Sun back, and YOU are stopping the damn progress!" The appearance on his face turned from a angry expression to a wide grin, wider than his face could actually express. His pupils and open hands, his fingers slighty crooked, were vibrating. His body was getting lower. 

"But let's just stop the playtime, my little dear "brother"."

Soon he was in the same height as Solar. He was in a crouched posture, his arms were laying relaxed on his upper leg, while his head, included the crazy expression on his face, was resting on the back of his left hand which transferred the shakiness it had before to the other body part of his. 

(The emotions should hide away. The grin should cover and keep them at bay.)

While a shadow laid on his face, which made his appearence even more ominous with the wide grin he had, but slowly getting more distorted and curved, showing more of despair than amusement, he escaped from this position and slowly crawled on all four to Solar.

(Moon couldn't define what he felt right could be gult? Regret? Amusement? could he know? He didn't...was that a sign of weakness right now?)

The more Moon got closer, the more Solar flinched, pressed his feet against the floor and made his hands go behind his back for a better stabilization, as his legs shoved him more away from the daycare attendant. He desperately tried to keep a safe distance. "Naw - Is lil' 'Clispy scared?", he chuckled, his upper body spinning playfully. "You aren't the Moon I knew before", Solar muttered paniced, "You're just s-some..."Copy & Paste" shit!" Solar ignored the comments that followed by Moon, just focusing on every step his brother takes, following his movements and analysing his expressions, but with the panic he was under, his concentration was getting weaker. Then he snaped out of it. By his brother...

"Let's start with your ARM!"

A scream. Then a yelling. Moon grabbed his arm tightened, tore it from Solar's socket. Some cables became visible after he continued to rip them more and more apart, were his only connection between his arm and body. Solar screamed under chocked and panic breaths Moon's name, begging to stop, saying he would find another way. But Moon didn't listen.

(So this is how I die?)

He was thinking to himself, while the pain grew.

(A lil' pathetic to be honest...I thought at least I would die happily, having a good life...together with Lunar and maybe the others...)

He screamed. The cables broke one by one. He couldn't take the pain anymore. It hurt so much...

(But Sun's gone...and I couldn't do anything...just being a waste of space, right, Moon?)

Suddenly he snapped out of his state of daydreaming. His thoughts were the only things surrounding him, keeping him alive. He grabbed his own arm, one second before the last cable tore apart, the other one pressed against Moon's shoulder. He tried to flee from Moon's grip.

 (But I have to stay alive. I have to protect Lunar as a last favor.)

As the grip around his arm got weaker, he used his legs to break free from Moon, pressing them against his stomach. Moon flinched, letting go and narrowing his eyes.


His programm screamed, the little voice in his head he couldn't get rid of.

He ran away. Away from Moon. Away from the room. 

He used the wall as a stabilazation as he continued to climb the ladder, the right hand around his shoulder to keep his arm somehow still connected to his body.

(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much...)

Soon he was at the balcony, where he could see some outlines of the activities they offered.

It was dark.

He couldn't think straight.

His legs were shaking, nearly buckling under his weight. His throat hurt, couldn't even swallow because of the sudden pain. His left eye was covered in fresh oil, collected on his chin and dripped onto the floor as the oil from the major wound on his shoulder slid down his arm, falling from his broken fingertips.

"Computer, portal on."

Lights were shining from the ball pit, could sneek a way through the little slits the balls couldn't entirely cover. 

"Goodbye, Sun. I love and will always love you."

He jumped. The resulting wind pressed his rays down, his clothes flying as the wind strocked past them gently.

That's how freedom feels?

He could see the portal now, having swirls and lines and shining in blue to violett colours, mixed with his base colour on his casing.

He gave Moon a last gaze as he continued to reach the portal more and more in his fall.

Moon's expression looked...hurt.

Then the theme song of the daycare, as well as the suddenly shining lights greeted him.

And a creature, not far away from his location.



(1000 Words)


Okay, first of all: HELLO MY WONDERFUL READERS THAT ARE READING MY DUMB BOOK :D (Thanks btw, gotta be thankful after all :D)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter AND OF COURSE I MADE IT FULL WITH ANGST, because it's like a part of my personality to make everything DEEPPPPP :D (My ADHD Is dancing like in Just Dance right now QWQ XD)

And yea, I gotta be honest: I cried in the inside because I'M MAKING ECLIPSE GOING THROUGH HELL AGAIN :'D Authors are really just making everyone traumatized qwq

SooOooO, I'm saying goodbye in Hunter-Style now: BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D


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