Chapter 10: Sight

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A handful of dwarves and one hobbit, journey across open fields in a single file line, hastily making their way to the mountain, to their home. Soon, they come to a ridge that faces what looks like a town in the distance. Behind that town, is the mountain. The main gates that lead to Erebor. They've made it. Now they just need to find the door. Thorin runs further up to the ridge, stopping just at the edge, to gaze upon the once lively city of Dale. The others follow suit, slower in pace, also gazing at the town. The town was dark, broken and quiet. The hobbit of the group, speaks up.

"What is this place?" He asks, his voice echoed slightly.

"It was once the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin. The Desolation of Smaug." Balin answers him, grimily. His voice also echoing.

Thorin looks towards the sun, checking the time of day. "The sun will soon reach midday. We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way." Thorin informs them, as everything around them becomes more echoed.

He walks away from the ridge with the others, but Bilbo speaks up again. "Wait! Is this the overlook?" He asks Thorin. "Gandalf said to meet him here. On no account were we to--"

"Do you see him?" Thorin asks, interrupting him. Bilbo doesn't answer. "We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We're on our own. Come!" He says, walking away.

Bilbo is left standing there, worried for the wizard. He gazes at the abandoned city once more before following after the others. He stops in his tracks when he feels like he's being watched. He turns his head around but sees nothing and no one. He scrunches his nose in thought before finally sprinting towards the others. His figure and the imagine around him starts to fade and zoom out fast. Zooming through the terrain that leads straight back to Laketown.


Once the vision is gone, I'm brought back to reality, sitting in Bards home with a sick Kili on a bed. Bain is in the kitchen making some stew, Sigrid and Tilda are doing chorus, while Bard walks around helping the dwarves as much as he can. I stand against the wall, out of the way while I used my sight to look ahead.

"They made it to Dale." I inform everyone, moving away from the wall.

"You saw it? You actually saw it?" Bofur asks, looking away from Kili for a second. "What was it like?"

"It was abandoned. No life. The buildings and structures still stand after Smaug's falling apart." I tell him sadly, recalling what I saw.

"Aye. Dale was a beautiful city." Oin tells us, remembering it from before the dragon attacked, while tending to Kili at the same time.

Kili is getting worse now. He has grown more pale, his eyes were sunken in and he looks as if he was dead already. He is in pain, squirming around in the bed and groaning slightly. Fili sits next to his brother, comforting him, reassuring him but it doesn't seem to be helping. I walked into the kitchen to help with anything. I glance over at Bain, who was chopping some vegetables, but he was having some trouble. I lean over to give him some helpful advice on how to hold the knife correctly. I cracked a joke in the process, making him and the girls laugh a bit. I glance up, seeing Bard watching with a soft smile.


After a while, Kili's groans were getting to me. It was breaking my heart hearing him in pain. If it really is poison, then he's gonna die fast and soon. It's been in his system since Mirkwood. What do we do? I had to do something to help. There is a spell that I know, it might help him for a short amount of time but it will be a bit painful, not for him...but for me.

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