Chapter 7: Laketown

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Our boat sails across the frozen, cold water, slowly inching closer to the lake. It is some time in the morning, since the sun is starting to raise higher in the sky, just barely peaking out from behind the Lonely Mountain. I admire the town, and it's beauty, even though it is a somewhat poor, fisherman town, it's still beautiful in it's own way. The wood plank design in the buildings and bridges that flow through, wooden pathways and barges, with a thin layer of frost draped across some of the roofs.

Scatter groans coming from the fish filled barrels catches my attention. I chuckle to myself, feeling relieved that my powers decided to make me taller before this. Bard leans forward, kicking one of the barrels.

"Quiet." He hisses. "We're approaching the toll gate."

As we approach the gate, Bard and I exchange a nervous look before finally reaching the dock. An older man calls out to us.

"Halt! Goods inspection! Papers please!" He says, while walking out to greet us, holding a lantern. He stops in his tracks, recognizing the man next to me. "Oh, it's you, Bard."

"Morning, Percy." Bard greets, finally bringing the boat to a full stop.

"Anything to declare?" The man, Percy, asks.

"Nothing, but I am cold and tired and ready for home." Bard replies, handing him a tiny slip of paper.

"You and me, both." Percy says before he notices me. "And who's this?"

Bard looks to me. "This is Y/N, a ranger friend of mine. She got into some trouble out there and is need of sanctuary for the night." 

I smile at the older man.

"Oh, well. Any friend of Bard is a friend of mine. Welcome!" Percy says to me.

"Thank you." I thank the older man.

Percy turns back into his small office, stamping Bard's paper. Me and Bard glance at each other before scanning our surroundings, nervously.

"There we are." Percy says, handing Bard the paper. "All in order."

Before Bard can take it, a hunched back, black haired, greasy looking man comes around the corner quickly, snatching the paper from Percy's hand.

"Not so fast." He says, lowly as some guards slowly walk in behind the man. "Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland Realm." He reads the paper. "Only they're not empty, are they, Bard?" He asks, tossing the paper behind his back before stepping onto the boat. "If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a bargeman, not..." He picks up a fish from one of the barrels, revealing a blue eye and some red hair. My eyes widen. "a fisherman."

"That's none of your business." Bard tells him as I discreetly flick a finger behind my back, making the fish in the barrel shift slightly, covering Bombur's eye.

"Wrong. It's the Master business, which makes it my business." The greasy man says, smugly.

"Oh, come on, Alfred. Have a heart, people need to eat." Bard pleads with him.

The greasy man, Alfred, ignores him. "These fish are illegal." He throws the fish in the water below us. "Empty the barrels over the side."

"You heard him. Into the cannel. Come on." One of the guards commands.

My hearts speeds up a bit as Bard tenses up nervously, while the guards start to tilt some of the barrels over the side.

"Folk in this town are struggling." Bard pleads more, watching the guards. "Times are hard, food is scarce."

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