Chapter 3: Spiders

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*Elvish will be in bold lettering.*

We trekked through the dark and creepy forest for a while, following along the barely visible stone path. We walk in a single file line with Thorin in the lead. It was very clear that this forest had some type of darkness within it. I could feel it through every twist and turn we take. This is bad, very, very bad. 

"The path turns this way." Dwalin says after kicking some leaves out of the way.

Everyone follows his lead, doing what Gandalf said. Stay on the path, no matter what. I stay in the middle of the line, incase of any surprises heading towards us. The trees are dark and lifeless, no leaves on any branches and no sunlight peaking through the top. It makes it seem like it's night time when it's not. 

Or at least, I think it's not night. Did you hear that?

I can already feel the forest messing with my mind, but I shake the fogginess off, focusing on my steps and the person in front of me. I rub my temples a bit before continuing on. The path weaves through different turns and arches of trees, almost feeling like it's never ending. It feels like we've been walking for days, maybe weeks, but I know that's not the case. The murky forest is starting to affect everyone else. I can only guess because of my powers that I was able to feel it sooner, because my senses are heightened.

"Air. I need air." Bofur claims out of breath.

"My head, it's swimming! What's happening?" Oin demands.

The line of dwarves spot in their tracks.

"Keep moving." Thorin announces before walking up to whoever's in front. "Nori...why have we stopped?" 

"The path...It's disappeared." Nori says, looking straight ahead at nothing but trees. No path.

"What's going on?" Dwalin asks from somewhere in the line.

"We've lost the path!" Oin yells.

"Find it. All of you, look. Look for the path!" Thorin yells to everyone before walking over to me. "Y/n, can you find it? Do you see it...anywhere?" He asks me softly, making sure no one else can hear.

I try to use my powers to see if I can see it anywhere but it's just a fog. I look to him with a apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry, Thorin. I can't. Whatever's in this forest, it's messing with me. I can't even read anyone's's like...I forgot how to..." I tell him softly, feeling a bit panicked.

He takes my hand and squeezes it. "It's all right. Do not worry." He reassures me. I nod.

What felt like more hours, we walked and walked and walked through this horrible forest. Mirkwood. Yeah, I see why they name it that now. As we walk, everyone looks around for the missing path but the air is growing thicker and thicker by the minute. It's affecting them more and more. I felt drunk and high at the same time. I trip and stumble on rocks and fallen branches. A couple times, Fili or Kili caught me before falling completely on my ass or face. 

"I don't remember any of it. None of it's familiar." Balin says, while looking around.

"It's got to be here." Dori  says.

"What hour is it?" Thorin yells.

"I do not know." Dwalin says. "I do not even know what day it is." 

"Is there no end to the accursed forest!?" Thorin yells, his voices echoes.

Everyone's scattered about, looking in all different directions for something...I can't remember. I sit near a tree on the ground next to Bilbo. It's covered in webs that go on for miles. Bilbo reaches up and plucks the web. The pressure of it bounces from one web to the next to the next, like dominoes. It makes a cool, fluttering noise as it does.

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