Chapter 1: Escape

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After our rendezvous on the little mountain peak, we eventually climbed our way down back to the ground to figure out our next move. Over the course of the week both me and Thorin healed quickly from our wounds that we suffered from our last battle with Azog.

I'm still a little concerned about what I heard in the pale orcs mind but I decided not to mention it to anyone. We already have enough on our hands.

And just to add the cherry on top of our bad news sundae, we soon quickly discover a hunting party tailing us, closing in rather quickly and we are on foot.

The group is currently hidden in a small clearing, surrounded by rocks. The others wanted Bilbo to go up and see how close the pack is but Gandalf suggested I should be the one to go.

So that's where I am now, away from the company, standing on a lone hillside in night. The moon is high and bright, being the only source of light I have. Not a cloud in sight, as I look upon the trees directly in front of me. I'm close enough to get a look at our hunters but I decided to try something else. During this week, Gandalf told me about this sixth sense (The Peter Tingle) if you will.

I take a deep breath as I close my eyes, I wiggle my fingers as I feel the family power coursing through my vein. I re open my eyes, which are now glowing red. I see everything. Across the ways, I see Azog, on his warg with a view others around him, searching the surrounding areas for us. They're close, and getting closer. This isn't good. If we don't move soon, they'll find us by lunchtime tomorrow. Before I turn away, I sense something else. It's near and it feels dangerous. I look over to the left a bit to see a giant black bear, bigger than a normal black bear. It's also peering over a ledge, glaring at the orcs across the way as it growls hungrily. Thinking now would be a good time to 'nope' it out of here, I blink a couple times before high tailing it back down to rejoin the others.

'Holy shit. I don't know what's more scary, a troll sized black bear or a dragon!'

I finally come up to the path that leads back to everyone and once I turn the corner and come face to face with Thorin.

"How close is the pack?" He asks urgently.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." I say out of breath looking right at Thorin.

"Have the wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asks. I shake my head.

"Not yet, but they will. We have another problem." I tell him as they all start to circle me.

"Did they see you? They saw you." Gandalf says fearfully.

"What? No, no. They didn't." I answer.

"What did I tell you, Scarlet Witch, excellent scouting material." Gandalf praise as everyone else starts to but I stop them.

"Will you just listen!?" They stop. "I'm trying to tell you there's something else out there."

Everyone looks at me frightened now.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf asks lowly. I looked at him in surprise.

"Yes! But bigger, much bigger." I answer him looking right at him. He read his mind, he know who or what it is. 

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur asks the wizard.

He doesn't answer, instead he just turns away in deep thought.

"I say we double back." Bofur suggests.

"And be run down by a pack of orcs?" Thorin ask. A murmur of discussion starts up amongst them but I just look to Bilbo who looks to me nervously.

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