
"Four crews of firefighters were trapped battling wildfires east of town. We have at least 40 injuries en route. I said we would take all of them" Bailey says to all the doctors

"40? We're gonna hit capacity, and..."

"We will take all of them" Bailey says firmly "We're looking at second-, third-, and fourth-degree burns, smoke inhalation, and some traumas. All non-critical... patients, um... are being transferred to Seattle Pres and Tacoma. This entire hospital is now a burn-treatment center. If you are a little rusty...Residents, stay with your assigned attendings unless needed in the burn unit or in the pit. Uh, everyone who is on call has been called in. This is an all-hands-on-deck situation...Prioritize according to... Triage in the E.R. Send the critical patients to the burn unit or the O.R. Dr. Avery is your point person on this, okay? Uh... Let's see....Then that's... That's it, people. Okay. Get to work"


"I'll jump on triage and the most acute injuries" April says walking through the ER "You and Jackson take any compromised airways"


"Now is not the time Madelyn" April sighs

"We have time before it gets crazy"

"It's already crazy" April replies "Our E.R.'s about to be jam-packed. I-I-I don't have time, and neither do you" she says as the elevator doors shut

"You would make time if it was for sex" Madelyn yells as she watches the elevator doors shut "God" she exclaims

"People, if you are not on your specialty, you are on burn. Consider yourselves burns and plastics specialists for the day. We treat, debride, admit. If you have any questions at all, you come find me" Jackson announces


"Chief, the burn unit is full, and I need beds down here" April says "We can't take any more. We're already at capacity"

"I have patients with extensive burns that are on gurneys in the hallway" Madelyn says

"We need to start diverting to other hospitals" April suggests

"We're not doing that" Bailey says

"Well, I need to know what we are doing, please. Do I need to notify Seattle Pres?" April asks

"Chief?" Jackson questions walking over

"I said we're not turning firefighters away. Come with me" Bailey orders leading them to the cafeteria "Okay! You folks, take your food to go. All of these tables go. Put away this food. We triage here"

Madelyn shrugs in agreement "I need gurneys in lines of three all the way back"

"Minor and first-degree burns are going the pit, guys" April says

"Criticals can go to any available I.C.U. bed. We need burn supplies, surgical trays, gowns, gloves at every station" Jackson says

"This enough room?" Bailey asks

"This will work" Jackson replies

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