\|/ 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙊𝙛𝙛. \|/

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

[~] [~] [~] [~] [~] 

It was the next day and it was daytime, hiccup yesterday had made a tail fin for Toothless using his knowledge of Blacksmithing and utilizing leftover metal while you had dinner with your family back in their hut.

Hiccup was currently hauling a sac of fish, along with the tail fin he had made while you were simply carrying a basket of fish for Feint.

"Hey, Toothless!" Hiccup said, walking over to the black dragon.

"Morning, Feint!" You waved to the white dragon, who turned around along with Toothless, moving closer and sitting down.

"We brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry." Hiccup said, kicking the sac of fish down.

You rolled your eyes at his need to kick the sac, before simply setting yours down and opening the lid to it, revealing several kinds of fish.

"Okay... that's disgusting." Hiccup stated.

"You think?" You asked sarcastically.

"We've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic Cod... and a whole smoked Eel." Hiccup told Toothless as you pointed to the different types.

Hiccup saw the eel and growled at it, Feint immediately having her attention drawn to it, growling and snarling at the eel, slowly stepping back.

Hiccup grabbed the Eel and held it to Toothless, Toothless hissing and retaliating away from it as Feint looked at Hiccup as if he were crazy.

"No, no, no, no, no! No, it's okay!" Hiccup said, throwing the eel away. "Yeah, I don't really like Eel much, either."

"Who does?" You asked.

Feint looked to you for a moment, roaring in agreement as she lowered her head to begin picking out the fish to eat first.

You stepped back a little and went behind her tucked wings, watching Hiccup lower himself to the ground with the tail fin.

Toothless and Feint were almost done which was.. alarming.

Feint threw a fish over to Toothless, the darker dragon catching it and immediately downing it, Toothless seeming to like the Cod much more than Feint.

Toothless' tail kept moving, you grinning as you watched Hiccup struggle to keep his tail still.

You looked to both dragons, seeing Toothless immediately freeze when he felt hiccup attach the tail fin, Feint tilting her head as she watched.

"Hiccup..?" You said, looking to the young Viking.

He didn't respond, Toothless feeling around with his tail before you and Feint watched him stretch his wings out.

"That's not too bad. It works. Right, Y/n?- woah!" Hiccup yelled, being swept off by Toothless.

Feint roared in alarm when she watched Toothless take flight, hearing Hiccup scream as Toothless made a break for the exit.

"Oh, Thor." You sighed.

Feint bellowed in response, it almost sounding like some sort of laugh as she watched Hiccup in utter amusement.

You watched Toothless begin to plummet, but Hiccup stretched the tail fin out and began to climb a little higher.

"Oh, my! It's working!" Hiccup yelled.

Feint roared at you, watching as Toothless swooped down yet again to glide over the water with Hiccup.

Feint sat down to watch the scene play out, seeing Toothless swerve to the side to send Hiccup flying off of him.

Hiccup got flown into a rock, you laughing in response to this before seeing Toothless fly away, his tail fin getting stuck before he plummeted into the water, you seeing Hiccup  in the water too.

"Yeah! Did you see that, Y/n?!" Hiccup asked you, looking over.

"Only thing I'm seeing is someone whose going to get real sick if they stay in that water any longer." You rolled your eyes.

Toothless looked over at Feint and roared at least three times happily, showing off his new tail to her proudly.

Feint roared back at Toothless and trotted closer to the edge of the water, showing her tail and spreading her wings.

The two seemed rather happy about this advancement, while hiccup and you were the same.

"Get out of the water! We have dragon-fight training to do and Gobber's gonna think I got tired of you and threw you into the sea!" You told Hiccup, laughing a little.

Hiccup began to go out of the water as Toothless did the same, toothless waving his drenched tail fin a little as Feint and Toothless circled around each other quickly with their wings spread, roaring at each other.

Toothless then shook water off and onto Hiccup, Feint using a wing to cover herself and you, roaring in alarm.

"If you don't get sick by the time we get back, I'm going to be extremely surprised, you know that?" You said, beckoning Hiccup to follow you out of the crater.

You be him had Dragon training to do.

Today was going to be with the Hideous Zippleback, the one that a couple Vikings had caught during the raid when Hiccup had first shot down Toothless and got chased by that Monstrous Nightmare.

You knew that it was going to be quite the show.

Hiccup Haddock x Reader - Bound By Chanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें