Pain Messiah

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Stare off into the distance,

School seems to be a life sentence!

Deep down I feel I am paying a penance,

For what crime I beg askance?

On and on, the day does drone,

I am an outcast and all alone!

All cast me with a verbal stone,

For what sins must I atone?

I wish they would stop bullying me,

Please! Just leave me be!

Farce I am made for all to see,

Inside me is the only place I can flee?

Solitary walk homewards bound,

I am lost with nowhere safe to be found!

My anger roars without a sound,

Surging to the cliffs to run aground?

Silently in thought, I sit and stare,

The blood does flow without a care!

Cut upon cut, as I do dare,

Is life not so damn unfair?

Death, I have started to admire,

My release, my Pain Messiah, I desire!

Drained dry, I am ready to retire,

My life is just one vast quagmire?

Alone...I face the beast called life,

Always suffering and at strife!

Treated as an outcast and lowlife,

Is it any wonder I have turned to the knife?

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