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I long to embrace you,
Feel your breath upon my shoulder,
As we hold each other tight.
The heave of your chest,
Pressed tightly upon me,
Our hearts beating against each other.

I long to taste you as we kiss,
Run my tongue upon your lips,
To gently suckle like a honeybird,
From your luscious petals.
Our tongues entwined,
In heated gasps of pleasures express.

I long to caress your delicate skin,
To run my hands upon its smoothness,
To feel the warmth at first touch,
Raw power beneath the surface,
Surging up from tips to brain,
Craving, sensual road map of delight.

I long to stare into your eyes,
To travel within its deep blue depths,
Forever immerse myself in its eternal pool.
Hours spent studying your perfection,
Eternity would not be long enough,
To short it would feel, to fleeting.

I long to entwine my heart with yours,
Become one in its beating crescendo,
With breaths pulsating to yearnings deep.
My love does surge like a volcano,
Seeking egress from the mount,
To be free of earths constricting restraint.

I long to have you see me,
To acknowledge my existence,
To view me in a lovers light,
Not to be overlooked anymore.
I wish to not stand before you,
Unseen, unremarkable, unworthy.

I give up!
You say you wish others were like me,
Caring, kind, considerate, gentlemanly.
Yet before you I stand, all of this and more!
Yet you do not even consider me in the slightest!
To hell with this crush, continue in your ways!

SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora