Last letter

7 0 0

Blank white parchment,

Uncorrupted,  clean of inks corruption.

Thoughts jumble, trying to align,

Marching goose step from the mind,

Dip the quill, upwards it soaks.

Feel the exhilaration  as muse is awoken.

Gentle flowing strokes guides the ink,

Draining into the pureness of creation.

Flowing unstaunched upon the canvas,

Numerous returns to the inks source,

Stems not the creative mind.

One after the other the pages fly,

Filled with script of conscious evidence. 

Faster the words demand to be freed, 

Beautiful penmanship slowly changing. 

Frenzied scratching as the ending draws near.

Pulse quickening upon the completion,

My masterpiece,  the culmination of patience.

Last breath, one final dip,

Sign my last letter.

My inspiration departed,

I close his eyes,

Lifeless body pumps no more,

Ink dried up, of no more use.

Pages stacked neatly on his chest,

Composed in crimson blood,

His guilt outlined from start to finish.

This paedophile no more joy shall have,

Taking innocence away.

Look down upon glorious creation,

A lace work of exquisite cuts.

Relive his suffering with pleasure.

Before departure one final cherry upon the cake.

Pry his mouth open...

Let him eat his own genitalia. 

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