Self image

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Something I do not have.

Self belief,

Something I wish I had.


I have tons of this.


Second nature to me.

How can I conquer my fear,

To woe the woman of my adoration?

My cowardice, overwhelms me every time.

How do I overcome my self doubt?

Everytime I work up the courage,

To dare to ask her out,

I am gripped by an uncontrollable trepidation.

Why do I let this inferior complex bother me?

I communicate, joke, socialise, no problem,

But just let me think of asking her out...

I become the biggest wuss,

Afraid she will say no.

Why must we men always make the first move?

So much easier if they would just let us know...

Know they are intrested in us...

But would I then have the courage to ask?

Most likely not...

Why do I put myself through this self inflicted misery?

Why do I fear rejection?

I should just do it, ask her!

The worst she can do is,

Oh will crush my hopes,

Send me running with my tail between my legs.

I wonder...could I actually ask her out?

Well, there she is, might as well get this over with.


I was just wondering...would you like to go out with me?


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