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Here I stand before you.

Do you really see me?

Once upon a time I was you.

Why do you always flee?

What did I do wrong?

All I did was fall from grace.

How can I truly be strong,

When you do not even see my face?

I do not ask for much.

A hello or a nod,

Would help me through a crunch.

Yet I am treated as a sod.

I stand here, asking for assistance.

My head bowed in shame.

But all you do is keep your distance.

Your attempts to avoid me are lame.

What would you do if you were me?

Would you like it if I treated you the same?

Yes, I live under a tree.

For that I will not feel shame!

I do not want your loathing,

Or even really your money!

I would rather be working,

And have someone call me honey.

I am tired of your abuse.

It is not my fault I have fallen.

Take heed of me and stop being obtuse.

Grant me enough just for a haven.

A second chance is all I need.

To find my feet once more.

Forgotten I am indeed.

More so than ever before.

I did not ask to be in this situation,

Never truly believed I could fall so far.

I am not so far below your station,

Even though you pass me by in your car.

Like you I am human.

Though you seem to have forgotten.

Where is the love for ones fellow man?

Or do you just not care for the downtrodden?

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