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Tread quietly,  the wife does sleep,

Sneak out the house like a thief of the night,

If caught, will be in trouble deep,

Knowledge that the punishment will not be slight!

Yet there is a date to keep,

Thus the risk is worth the blight.


Fumble the keys, dropped to the floor,

Soft tinkling, sounds like an avalanche!

Cast a worried look at the front door,

Blood drains my face, leaving me blanche.

My heart rattles at its core,

Sometimes I wish I had total carte blanche!


Sigh of relief, as the car frees away,

Down the block, engine comes alive,

As I make a miraculous getaway. 

Attempt a cool, calm demeanour, while I drive.

Who am I fooling? A fool I will stay!

Who would believe, on this rush I would thrive?


Zero in on my intended rendezvous location,

Eagerly hurry to my awaiting date.

So excited like a child in a naughty situation,

No worries that it is quite late.

Greeted by an enthusiastic exclamation, 

Ushered in with alacrity through the gate.


Inside, firmly and with zeal, we greet,

Straight to business, the money changes hands!

Getting this far has been no mean feat!

Satisfied,  with this situation as it now stands,

I am once again eager to take to my feet.

Overjoyed my encounter met my high demands!


Race home, jubilant beyond compare,

Floating upon a wave of euphoric emotion.

Remember, luckily, to coast down with care.

Cannot afford to ruin my gay situation,

Like a burglar, sneak back in with cocky flare.

She still sleeps, sigh from elation!


Industrious endeavour, completed in darkness,

Sneak back into bed, so as not to arouse.

Cannot contain my smile in all fairness,

I have been quite sneaky just like a mouse.

On a chair, stands a gift of such rareness,

Painstakingly sought, for my one and only spouse.


SilenceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant