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Careful steps upwards bound,

Never suspect what can befall.

Reach last step I found,

My foot catch, begin the fall.

Hands full, cannot stop plummet,

Knee contacts, searing Pain!

Curse uttered, near to damn it,

My receptors, took a strain!

Burning, stabbing, piercing suffering,

Front to back, all around.

All the while listening to others blathering, 

Concern for me does abound.

Slow, subtle, suffering subsides,

Dull, remembering throbbing remains.

Reminisce as my mind, me does chides,

Move wrong and the pain reigns!

An even worse pain does await,

Fill in papers, a beaurocratic delight.

An evil with an appetite, I can state...

Let us not forget the hospital bill fright!

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