Carnal lust

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Soft touch of darkness upon her skin,

Gently carousing on its journey,

As playful goosebumps alight upon flesh,

Arousal hot beneath the stifling attire. 

Eyes feasting upon immaculate creation,

God's gift unto what is fair,

Yearning, craving succulent delight,

Licking parched dry lips of innocence. 

Misfortune of stifled reserved attitudes,

Usher in sacrilege breaking fornication,

Where yearning burning fever filled passion,

Overrides sensibility in rash overtures of base fulfillment.

Caressing care carefully bestowed,

In hidden concealment with stolen kisses,

Fufill youthful lust devotion to amore woven verses,

Spurn decorum for the sake of a moments amore.

Garner seconds of togetherness in treasured meetings,

Taken in glances of adroit touches in passing motion,

Bolstered, building unto a cresendo of illicit sensuousness,

Culminating in dreamed of proposals of proffessed devotion. 

Soaring high above what is experienced as the norm,

Overlook phallic inability of self control,

Endeavour upon unspoken body language,

To gauge upon lustful union in coitus bliss.

Adonis belt of herculean porportions,

Pleasurable view espied from up close,

Plunders virtue with barbarous voracity,

Insatiable,  unquenched ravishing,  culminates in ecstacy. 

Throes of passion remain of what was once virtuous, 

Now sullied by left over residue of deceitful paramour,

Never a return to innocent pleasures of play,

Once blissfully tasted of mans forbidden fruit.

Woe unto innocence given cheaply,

For want of fools short lived love,

Craven debauched wolves are all a hunt,

For pure white lambs of beauteous virtues.

SilenceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora