One rainy night somewhere

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A lone tear streaks down her cheek.

Gently, the boy wipes it away,

Leaving a black smudge behind.

Her hand he takes in his,

So small, yet it seems to cover hers.

Striking blue eyes meet hers,

A mess of rouge like her life.

She turns her face away, 

But is guided back to his.

Half healed bruises like dalmation spots,

Adorn his face...

Yet for her he smiles,

A smile so broad,

She cannot help but smile.

Here this street urchin,

Cast from society, like yesterday's pizza,

Has taken his time to console.

Gingerly he pulls her up,

More by her own power,

As he is deathly thin.

No word he utters,

Yet they share a silent conversation.

His bare feet with chipped nails,

Slops through the puddles,

As he leads her from the alley.

Inside her an emptiness aches,

Unthinking she clutches,

Painfully reminded of why she was there.

The young boy puts an arm around her,

His comforting squeeze upon her hunch,

Brings her back to the present.

Once more she looks upon this reject,


How can someone have cast such a caring soul away?

Raising herself upright she hails a cab.

Upon the cabs stop,

Their hands part,

Once more the feeling of loss takes over.

She watches as the boy departs,

With a smile and a wave he is gone.

She mutters her address and soon she flees,

With herself she struggles to reconcile, 

The events of this night.

Outside the clouds finally break,

Shedding a thousand angels tears,

Accusing light illumes the sky,

Pointing out her sins,

As God's voice booms out in judgement.

To much to bear,

She barks at the driver,

Demands he go back.

Within almost no time,

She is back in the alley.

Searching frantically for the boy,

By luck she stumbles upon his nest.

Frightened he awakes,

With startled eyes he stares at her.

She kisses his forehead,

Helps him up as he did for her.

She feels his cold and like a mother,

She gives him her coat.

Though she feels the pain of her stripped womb,

She picks him up and cradles him.

She boldly walks to the cab.

Tears mingle with rain

As she climbs back in.

Without a word they go home.

Looking down, at this beaten boy,

She sees what might have been.

Tonight she ended a life

In a back street abortion.

Something now she fully regrets,

She hugs the boy tightly to her,

As he sleeps peacefully.

Atone she will through this little boy,

Who for a moment showed her

What could have been.

What she should not have done.

Outside the thunder quietened, 

The rain abated,

The moon peeked out, 

To observe...

The luck of a child to be saved,

Through the death of another.

SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora