chapter 54

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"I don't see how you aren't freezing your arse off right now, Vi. It's like -12 degrees out here," George grumbled, throwing Violet looks of exasperation as he desperately wrapped his coat tighter around himself.

Violet, only wearing a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and one of Lockwood's old jackets, just shrugged, "Can't feel the cold anymore, you know that. Perks of dying twice."

"We're calling those perks now?"

Violet looked him up and down, "Seeing as how you're shaking like a little dog and I'm doing just fine, I'm gonna say yeah."

"Please don't tell me you two are already starting another argument," Lucy complained as she made her way towards the door they stood in front of.

"Not even a question at this point, Luce. Knock it off before the clients come out," Lockwood chimed in.

Violet put her hands up, "Wasn't me."

"We weren't even arguing," George rolled his eyes.

"Hard to tell. You two have the worst resting bitch faces and your tones are always a little aggressive," Lockwood pointed out, shrugging.

Violet raised a brow at him, "Are you saying I look like a bitch, Ani?"

Lockwood winced, "No, I would never say that...I love you?"

"Uh-huh," Violet chewed her gum slowly.

Lockwood adjusted his coat, "Alright, everyone ready? Remember, we ask them some questions, we keep careful psychic watch. If we get any clues to the murder room or the location of the bodies, we don't let on. We just say good-bye politely, and head off to fetch the police."

"Yeah, we got it," Lucy said.

George just responded with a nod while Violet blew a bubble with her gum, popping it loudly.

"It's a useless plan," came the hoarse whisper from Lucy's backpack.

Violet glanced at the backpack as it glowed a faint green from the skull.

"I say stab them first, ask questions later! That's your only sensible option."

Lucy elbowed her backpack in annoyance, "Shut up."

"I thought you wanted my advice!"

"Your job is to keep a lookout, not distract us with stupid theories. Now, hush."

Violet rolled her eyes, "I told you we should've left that thing at home. So fucking annoying."

"You're one to talk, dead girl."

Violet scoffed, letting out a dry laugh, "How original. Not like you haven't called me that like a thousand fucking times already."

"Ok. Stop arguing with the skull before the clients come out," Lockwood nudged her gently before lowering his voice, "I know he's annoying. We can pop the tab down as soon as the job is over."


Violet's foot tapped impatiently on the step of the Lavender Lodge boarding house. It was a large building with three floors located in London's East End. The only light that emitted from the house came from the hall, and there was a 'vacancies' sign behind the panel of cracked glass in the center of the door.

Lockwood peered through the glass, "Well, somebody's at home. I can see two people standing at the far end of the hall."

Violet reached forward to press the door buzzer in rapid, obnoxious succession, only for Lucy to smack her hand away.

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