chapter 25

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Lockwood and Violet burst into the cemetery building and stumbled over to the hole in the ground where the catafalque had taken Lucy down to the catacombs.

"Shit. That's a long drop," Violet said.

Lockwood turned his head and saw the Golden Blade standing there. He quickly pushed Violet behind him and she grabbed tightly onto the back of his coat.

"For God's sake. Really?" Lockwood was exasperated.

The Golden Blade tilted his head, "Really."

"Look. There have been several developments since we last met. It's far too complicated to get into, but i'll cut a long story short. We're working with Fittes now, so can we call a truce? In a bit of a hurry here."

Violet looked at the dangerous man with a cautious gaze, "Anthony..."

"I'm not Fittes. You've no idea who I am."

"Anthony, we need to go," Violet hissed, her senses shooting sky high as they screamed at her of the danger.

"Ok, well, i've already dealt with eight thugs and one psychopath tonight, so one more fight's not gonna kill me," Lockwood pulled out his rapier, keeping Violet behind him, "Especially with someone i've beaten twice already."

"You've no idea who I am, and you've no idea what you're messing with. The forces in play. The bone glass inconvenience. You are insignificant. Just like your mother and father were."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lockwood asked.

Violet grabbed onto the back of his coat tighter, looking behind her at the hole. Her feet were just inches from the edge.

"You'll never know," the Golden Blade pulled out a gun and took a shot.

Violet screamed as Lockwood went tumbling back into her, causing both of them to fall into the dark hole and right onto the catafalque below. Violet's mouth opened in pain as she felt her ribs crack, having bared the brunt of the fall for Lockwood as he had landed on top of her. Her breathing became labored as she tried not to scream in pain, but she couldn't move yet. She could still hear the man above, his footsteps echoing as he walked to the hole and peered down.

As soon as he was gone, Violet wiggled herself out from underneath Lockwood and hovered over him. Blood was pouring out of his shoulder from the gunshot.

Violet cried out softly, "Oh God, Anthony. Anthony, wake up. Please."

She cradled his face in her hands, pressing her forehead against his as she prayed for him to wake up. A second later he groaned in pain.

Violet pulled back and stripped off her jacket, crying out as excruciating pain went through her body, but she kept going. She pushed the jacket onto Lockwood's shoulder and pressed down.

Lockwood hissed in pain, "Vi...are you ok?"

Violet tried to blink the tears from her eyes, "I'm ok. I'm ok. Just stay still, love. I need to help you, ok?"

Lockwood put his good hand over hers, "No. We have to get to George and Lucy. We have to get them first."

"Anthony," Violet pleaded, her voice scratchy as it raised in her distress.

"Vi, please."

Violet's head dropped as she took a deep breath, "Fine...fine. Let's go."

Violet helped Lockwood to his feet, forcing herself to reign in her own pain so she wouldn't worry him. He was what mattered right now. She didn't care how much pain she felt. Lockwood was more important.

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