chapter 49

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None of the teens were ready for the sight that awaited them on the other side of that door.

A large bed in the center of the room, chains attached to each of the posts. The bed sheets that used to be a stark white were stained completely with red. Deep scratches marred the bed posts. Around the room, chains were attached to the cement walls, dangling down. They were spotted in red with pools of dried blood surrounding the areas.

This room was more red than the Red Room at Combe Carey Hall. It would've been a more fitting name, honestly.

Tools were scattered on the ground by a tipped over cart. Violet could smell the traces of blood and different chemicals that lingered over the years. This room had been untouched for a very long time.

Violet felt her chest heaving as she heard the screams so loud in her ears she thought her eardrums would rupture. Behind her, Lucy had covered her own ears and Timothy looked incredibly uncomfortable.

George looked around, "I'm getting really bad vibes in here."

Angela held up her beeping thermometer, "It's really cold in here. And there are a lot of death glows."

"We should hurry up and leave," Timothy whimpered.

Charles scoffed, "You guys are all a bunch of pussies. Get over yourselves and start searching for sources."

Lockwood stood next to Violet, "What are you feeling?"

"Horrible. Vile. Disgusting," Violet breathed out, her eyes glassy.

"Alright, be careful. Don't push too hard."

Violet walked over to the bed and she placed one shaky hand on the bloody sheets. Her knees buckled as visions flashed through her mind. Her hand clutched tightly onto the sheets as she began to hyperventilate.

Screams. Cries. Pleads. Rustles of bedsheets. Skin meeting skin. The tugging of the chains. The laughter of a man. Clothes ripping apart and hitting the floor. Knives carving into flesh. Oh God. Oh God! It was too much. Violet could feel it all over her body. Disgusting hands violating her. She wanted it to go away but she couldn't let go. Over and over it happened. Over and over she saw those poor women struggling to get away. They broke their limbs trying to get out of those chains.

Lockwood grabbed onto Violet as she began to have a panic attack, practically screaming out with each hyperventilating breath. He pulled her back away from the bed and into his arms, holding her tight.

Violet grabbed tightly onto his arm that was wrapped around her, her nails sinking into his skin almost hard enough to break the surface. Lockwood paid it no mind as he tried to ground her back to reality with soft words in her ear.

Lucy quickly ran over and knelt by them, putting her hand on Violet's arm while George came to their other side.

Charles was the only one who didn't seem to care as he approached, "What did you see? Did you find out where the source is?"

Violet just shook her head as her breathing came out in gasps. She couldn't speak beyond the feeling of the utter violation to her body and mind. She had felt it all. Oh God. She had felt it just like it had been happening to her.

This only seemed to make Charles angry, "We don't have time for your fits, Summer! Tell me what you saw!"

Lucy stood and pushed him away, "Back off!"

Angela watched closely as Lockwood slowly managed to get Violet to calm down. As he continued to push her hair back out of her face, her breathing evened out. It was an action that not even she had been able to accomplish with Violet. Pushing the girl into a state of calm.

See No Evil (Anthony Lockwood)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt