chapter 21

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Violet took deep breaths as they ran right to a cab and left the Fittes agency with their stolen book. She actually had a lot more fun than she thought she would. Though maybe it was because she got to make trouble for those idiots.

"Is anyone following?" Lockwood asked.

Lucy turned in her seat to look out the back window, "No. But I wouldn't put it past Kipps and that maniac from the Black Library. Do you think Penelope saw us?"

"Well, after tonight, I think the three of us will be off her Christmas card list."

Violet sighed, "Who cares? We got what we needed."

"Did you see that box she gave him? It had that symbol on it. The one that George found on Fairfax's goggles," Lucy said.

"The harp?"

"Yes. And we know what a certified bastard he turned out to be."

"There was something off about that maniac too. I mean, come on. He just screams out 'sketchy' to me," Violet said.

"Still, we got the book. Let's find the bone glass. Let's finish this."


The three sprinted down the street towards the meeting point with Flo and they spotted the girl with George just ahead. Lockwood had an excited grin on his face, ready to show off their hard work.

"You're late," George said in annoyance.

"Nice to see you too, Georgie. The party was fun. We're alive and well, thank you for asking," Violet responded sarcastically.

"Sorry. Things got a bit weird," Lucy apologized.

"Did you get the Dulac book?" George asked before Lucy could say anything else.

Lockwood nodded, "Yeah, course we did. Now, what's the plan?"

"Well, the auction's starting any minute and Winkman's locked down all the streets around it. So, basically, we're screwed."

Violet sighed, "Flo, please tell me you've got something in that gorgeous brain of yours to help us out?"

Flo smirked, "In fact I do, darling. Have a little faith. London ain't just streets, you know. Now stay close and no talking."

Violet had a sinking feeling that they were going to be traveling in a way she wouldn't care for too much. But she followed anyway.


Violet had her eyes shut tightly as she sat in the motorboat with the others. She could hear the deep water sloshing around underneath the boat as it traveled along. Her hands were shaking as she tried to focus on the metronome in her head and ignore her fear. She didn't have time to start having a panic attack or flashbacks.

Lucy noticed Violet's distress, "Are you ok, Vi?"

Violet didn't answer. She didn't think she could say a word without triggering herself to panic further and completely fall apart.

Lockwood, hearing the question, sat next to Violet on the bench and held one of her hands, whispering in her ear, "It's ok. We'll be there soon. I'll hold your hand the whole time. Just stay focused on something happy. Anything."

Violet chewed on the inside of her cheek as she tried to follow his advice and think of a happy memory. Happy memories were few and far between for the girl before she came to Lockwood & Co, so she tried to pick out something recent. When she finally settled on something, she allowed it to completely overtake her thoughts. She forced herself to remember what she felt in that moment, what she thought, everything about it that she could.

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