Chapter 20

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Violet walked down the stairs to meet Lucy and the two of them went outside to wait for Lockwood and George at the cab.

"Lockwood getting George?" Lucy asked.

"Yep," Violet said.

"You and Lockwood make up?"


"Are you going to give me any detail other than that?"

Violet winked at her, "I don't kiss and tell, Luce."

Lucy let out a small laugh, "Oh my God, you two are pathetic."

Lockwood came out after a moment by himself and walked over to the cab, opening up the door for the two girls.

"Where's George?"

"He's working. He'll join us later."

Lucy got into the cab with Violet just behind her and then Lockwood.

"Nice lipstick, Lockwood," Lucy commented, fighting to keep a straight face.

Lockwood looked confused, "What? I'm not wearing any."

Violet pulled her red lipstick tube from its snug place in the top of her dress and reapplied it to her lips, "You are now."

Lockwood was quick to wipe his face with the back of his hand, the traces of red lipstick smearing onto the back of his hand.

"Still got a little right here, Lock," Violet tapped her cheek.

"How? You didn't even-"

Violet leaned over and pressed a short kiss to his cheek, chuckling softly when it left a red mark. Lockwood sighed and wiped his cheek. He loved the affection, but he'd rather not show up to a Fittes ball covered in her lipstick.

"You two are so sweet it actually makes me sick," Lucy said lightheartedly.

"What? You want a kiss too, Luce?" Violet puckered her lips slightly and leaned over to kiss Lucy.

Lucy was quick to push Violet back slightly, "Stop! You're gonna ruin my makeup!"

"Come on, Luce! Just a little smooch!" Violet fought her, laughing so hard her stomach began to hurt.

"Lockwood, save me," Lucy pleaded, though she was also clearly having fun.

Lockwood grabbed Violet and pulled her back, "Alright, enough. Behave."

Violet made a face at him before settling down. Warmth bathed her insides, flooding her with contentedness. Things had fallen back into place again. Now all she had to worry about was finishing this damn case and the matter of those letters.


Violet strode into the ball with an air of confidence around her. Lockwood was on one arm while Lucy was on the other.

"You know, for someone who hates big events like this, you're looking pretty ecstatic to be here," Lockwood whispered in Violet's ear.

Violet smirked, "Why wouldn't I be? I've got the two hottest people in the room on my arms. My best friend and my partner. Of course I'm happy. They should all be jealous of my outstanding charisma."

"Is partner code for boyfriend?" Lucy asked.

"Yes it is."

"It is?" Lockwood looked at her in shock.

Violet rose a brow, "Yes, Lock, it is. Unless you've got a problem with that. If you do, I'd be more than happy to follow through on my plans to run away with Lucy and get married on a beach somewhere and then go live out our remaining lifespan in a cottage in the countryside."

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