chapter 40

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George and Lucy had begun to dread every single day living with Violet and Lockwood. Individually, they loved the two dearly. They enjoyed their friendship. They were great. But, nowadays, whenever Violet and Lockwood were in the same room, it brought about the most awkward tension.

Violet and Lockwood wouldn't even look at each other. Well, they would, but never at the same time. It was the kind of situation where when Violet wasn't looking, Lockwood would stare longingly at her. And then would quickly look away and try to act natural when she looked anywhere near his direction. Though he always just ended up looking like an idiot. Then there was Violet, who would try her best not to look at Lockwood at all, but when she did, she would get this pained look on her face and look away soon after.

Them trying to have any kind of conversation with each other was even worse. It was actually painful to watch and listen to. They were quiet and awkward and just completely unlike themselves. It was horrible.

In the beginning, George and Lucy didn't mind putting up with it. They just sort of assumed that it would go back to normal eventually. But now, it had been almost a month and there was no signs of the tension dying down. It was starting to piss them both off. So, of course, what else could they do but quietly scheme together behind their backs.

And one other thing...

Lockwood set down a potted plant on the window sill. A small thing with beautiful leaves and a few small flowers. It looked almost unreal.

"Is that another gift for Violet?" Lucy asked in an almost annoyed tone.

It was starting to get ridiculous.

"They're called Kalanchoes. You think she'll like them?" Lockwood asked desperately.

"I think you'll be the one taking care of them. You know these gifts aren't working, right? Violet hasn't touched a single one after she shoves them in the corner of the attic. It's starting to look like a storage room now. Seriously, just give it up," Lucy said as she sat down with her plate of toast.

George agreed, "You know bribery doesn't work on her right? She takes bets, not bribes."

Violet came in a moment later and Lockwood immediately turned in her direction with wide eyes. Violet seemed to have just woken up, her hair was in mussed up braids and she was still wearing her pajamas.

Violet paused when she saw the flowers, "Not my responsibility."

Lucy gave Lockwood a look that said 'I told you so.' Lockwood opened his mouth to say something, but a knock on the door made him stop and leave the room.

Violet walked over to the flowers and inspected them, "He knows these are fake, right?"

George shrugged, "I don't think so."

"I doubt it."

Violet looked back at them, "Don't tell him. I want to see what happens."

Lucy bit back her laughter. Violet was definitely more of herself these days. She still had problems with her grip. Sometimes she would lose her balance. She still stumbled over words every so often. She still dissociated at times. But Violet was a lot better than before. Her personality was so genuine now and Lucy could see the person she was before shining through more and more every day.

George smirked, "Wanna make a bet on it?"

Violet moved to lean her arms on the table, "I bet he'll water it and never notice."

George agreed, but still made an opposing bet, "He'll water it once and notice it's not doing anything."

Violet shook George's hand, "£20."

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