chapter 27

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"So once again we have to leave without proper research?! Lockwood, that always goes wrong and you know it!"

"It's fine, George! It's always fine!"

Violet and Lucy both rolled their eyes as they heard the two boys arguing upstairs while they packed up the kits. It was the same argument every damn time. George wanted to stay to do more research, and Lockwood wanted to go and do the job. George was safe, Lockwood was reckless. It was like a broken record, constantly repeating on the same damn loop.

"Can't we just leave without them?" Lucy grumbled as she shoved stuff into the bag angrily.

"That's what I'm saying. We should ditch and leave them to have their lover's quarrel by themselves. You and I can go have all the fun," Violet said.

Lucy looked at her, "Did you get a bad feeling from the clients? You looked really tense the whole time."

"Honestly, yeah. I don't know. They just have bad vibes. And that William guy kept staring at me. Every time he did it made me want to run away or claw my skin off. God, it was so creepy. But...maybe I'm just paranoid. You know, maybe my feelings aren't always right and everything's gonna be fine this time," Violet shrugged, zipping up the kit bag.

Lucy crossed her arms, "I know you don't actually believe what you just said and I don't either. Every time you have had a bad feeling like this, it's always been right. I have never heard you say that and it be wrong. I trust your instincts. We should tell Lockwood and George."

Violet grabbed her arm before she could race up the stairs to do just that, "No, no, no. Don't. Just...let them have this. It's fine."

"Vi...why are you hesitating? I've never seen you hesitate like this before. You're always honest about your feelings and you're the first to call things out. What's going on?"

Violet took a deep breath, "I don't...I have a bad feeling. Yes. But I also just have this feeling that I need to do this job. I don't know if it's because I just want to get back to work or I want to prove that I can still do this job. I don't know! Just please don't say anything. We'll just be extra careful."

Lucy sighed, "Ok. We'll do this job. But the moment you start to feel say something and we get out of there. I can't let what happened last time happen again. For once we have to prioritize our lives too."

Violet pulled Lucy into a hug, swaying her back and forth, "I promise we'll be fine, Luce. We'll be careful and we'll get out of this alive and safe."

"Ok. Fine. I won't tell them."

"Won't tell them what?" Lockwood asked as he walked down the stairs, "Did you guys finish packing up?"

Violet quickly made up an excuse, "Girl stuff, Ani. You don't need to know. It might make your teen boy brain melt. And we still need that."

Lockwood laughed, "Alright, I get it. Come on. We have to leave in 30 minutes. We'll meet up with Mr. Murphy and Ms. Duval once we get off the train. They left us money for the ride. This is great. We've never had such generous clients before."

Lucy and Violet shared a brief look before Violet shoved the kit bag in Lockwood's hands and started up the stairs, "We'll get what we need from upstairs. And you better fix your problem with George before we leave because I refuse to travel 5 hours with you two bickering like an old married couple. I will toss myself out the train window, I swear it."

Lucy followed behind her, "I second that."

"Come on. George is being stubborn as usual. That's not my-"

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