chapter 35

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AN: Netflix cancelled the show. I'm like actually genuinely depressed about it. I know that sounds dramatic but when I get attached to things I get genuinely attached. It's probably the mix of the autism and the bpd. I will obviously still be continuing this story and following the books. But yeah...I'm not happy right now.

When the others got back, Lockwood found Violet in the kitchen sleeping at the table. Her mouth was open slightly, the page of her notebook stuck to her cheek. Her hand was still slightly gripping onto her pencil that she had been writing with. Her short red hair, having grown out just a little more, was tied back in a small ponytail to keep it out of her face. She was now wearing pajamas with one of Lockwood's jackets covering her body almost like a dress that was a few sizes too big. Her plastic cup was filled part of the way with tea that had gone cold by then. And she had two pairs of mismatched socks on her feet.

A fond smile tugged on Lockwood's lips as he approached her quietly. He crouched down just by her to get a better look at her face. For once, she didn't seem to be having a nightmare. He assumed she had probably stayed up over half the night just waiting for them and eventually passed out from the exhaustion. He felt his heart warm at the sight of her peaceful face and relaxed posture. He was tempted to reach his hand out to touch her. He would caress her face or tuck back that stray strand of hair, perhaps hold her hand. But he didn't want to wake her.

Lucy entered the kitchen, "Hey, have you seen-?"

Lockwood quickly turned his head with his finger up to his lips, signaling her to be quiet. Lucy closed her mouth as she saw exactly the person she was looking for, completely passed out at the dining table.

Lucy's eyes sparkled with happiness and mirth. She had felt the void left behind by Violet's absence the entire night on the job. They all had. They had all complained more than once that they wished she was there with them. The job certainly would've gone a lot faster with her talents. And they missed her. Her little quips and witty remarks. Her sarcasm and the way she tended to get bossy in a pinch. All of her little quirks that made their lives so much better.

George was the last to sneak in, holding the kit bags, "You guys could've helped, you know?"

Lucy shushed him, but George didn't seem to get the memo and dropped the kit bags unceremoniously to the ground. They clattered loudly and Lockwood flinched, cringing at the commotion.

Violet shot up in her seat, her notebook paper peeling off her face and nearly ripping out of the book. Violet, Lucy and Lockwood turned to glare at George.

George just scoffed, "What? They're heavy. Maybe if you two helped me carry them in, I wouldn't have had to drop them."

Violet took a deep breath, her voice coming out groggy, "5 seconds, George."

George gave her a confused looks, "What? 5 seconds?"

"5, 4, 3," Violet began to count slowly, her hand inching towards her tea cup.

George rolled his eyes, "Oh, please, like you're going to actually-"

Violet turned in her seat and chucked the cup at him. The plastic cup bounced off his forehead, spilling the cold tea all over the front of his shirt before it clattered to the floor.

Lockwood fought back laughter, "Wow, nice throw, Vi. You're getting better."

Violet paused, her ears taking in the words like a trigger to her brain.

Until you're better.

It was working. It was all working. They were believing her. Drinking in her lies like an undetectable poison. All of her efforts to divert their attention from her growing flaws were working. She was getting better. Better for them.

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