38. ┊ it's all your fault

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"Master Jean?" Aether had a stunned look on his face, his eyes latching onto the blonde woman that walked into the tavern alongside Jean's eyes opened in surprise, realizing that the culprits the Knights were after included him as well

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Master Jean?" Aether had a stunned look on his face, his eyes latching onto the blonde woman that walked into the tavern alongside Jean's eyes opened in surprise, realizing that the culprits the Knights were after included him as well.

Jean shook her head, "Please, just call me 'Jean'. I'm not here as the Acting Grandmaster, but as myself." Jean then turned her head towards you, studying you with intrigue, "You must be Y/N."

You tilted your head curiously, "Yes, that's me." You raised your eyebrow. Why did she seem fond of you even though you hadn't met her once? Well, not that you were complaining...

"Master Diluc often mentions you in his letters." Jean let a small smile grow on her lips, "I would assume you two are close, judging from how he writes about you."

Diluc averted his eyes, his head twisting another direction as he smoothly hid his face. You, on the other hand, were quite thrilled.

Diluc talked to the Acting Grandmaster, Jean Gunnhildr, about you? And judging from how she was speaking, they seemed to be good things about you... That meant Jean knew you were. It was a small and simple fact, but it made you feel a bit happy.

"Anyway, there's no need for an explanation," Jean reassured, "I trust your judgment, and the Holy Lyre could be the very thing we need to stop Stormterror rather than resorting to the violence that's being pressured onto the Knights by the Fatui."

"The Fatui? Just what would they get out of killing Stormterror?" Mona asked in confusion, crossing her arms as she waited for an answer expectantly.

"If the Fatui kill Stormterror, then Mondstadt would have no choice but to be indebted to them for stopping the crisis." You explained, "In other words, the Fatui would gain more control and power over the Knights."

Your eyes glanced over at Diluc, "And I'm sure something of this caliber has already happened before."

Jean nodded in agreement with your words, "Yes, which is why I came here as 'Jean' rather than the 'Acting Grandmaster'. The Knights can only do so much while retaining our diplomatic relations with the Fatui."

"This is why I despise the Knights of Favonius," Diluc scoffed, "Too restrained to confront their enemies firsthand."

To avoid any unneeded tension, Venti quickly spoke up, "Well, have you deciphered where the whereabouts of the lyre could be?"

As the discussion continued, you slipped away from the conversation— well, mentally. Physically you were there, mentally you weren't. There was something else clawing at your mind.

What was so dangerous that made Diluc want to protect you?

It just didn't make sense. It was even worse that he was hiding it from you, too. And for some reason, you kept thinking about it.

"Hey, Y/N." Aether waved his hand in front of your face, catching your attention and snapping you out of your thoughts. "We're about to leave."

"We're leaving already?" You blinked, surprised at how fast they thought of a plan.

✧.*┊ a harbinger's pupil. // various!genshin x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin