Chapter 26: American Bloodshed

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Varath: We can go to my house! I shall get you prepared! Come follow me!

We both took off and we were heading towards my friend personal house. We arrived there ten minutes later.

Varath: (Landed and shifted back to human form) Come my girl!

Ashley: (Dismounting Verax) I got my American babies! I might need maybe new armor or anything...

Varath: (Opened his door to her) I shall get you ready for battle my dear..  Right inside!

She entered and Varath was guiding her to his own room and there was a wardrobe made of marble and he opens it.

Varath: I got some capes and some clothings, you have to get rid of those since they are damaged. Here how about these white leather clothes 

Ashley: Oh i like that one! I have to remove these clothes i have! let me get dressed up quick! 

She grabs a white tunic that has leather too on it as she wants to go lightweight, she also has a hood on it.

Ashley: (Finished dressing) Oof! i feel so much better now! So you say there's only dragons in this town attacking?

Varath: All dragons and some dragon warriors that sided with them, I say fifteen including Krellex.

Ashley: (Smirking!!!) Oh!! Ohoho!!! I know what I will grab! (She picks her Barret 50. Cal Case and place it on Varath's bed and she opens it) What do you---

Varath: That's a big weapon!! How powerful is that!?

Ashley: Boy!! My pretty purple dragon!! You don't want to know!! All I say this thing is powerful enough to kill one Shadow Drake!

Varath: You killed a Shadow Drake with that!?!

Ashley: I did! Ive killed two of them when I arrived! All it takes is one shot from this weapon to kill one!!

Varath: Okay! Im trusting you got this! Shadow Drakes are quite strong and if you manage to kill one then you got this!

Ashley: The problem I have is that I only have two magazines for this weapon, and I have twenty bullets. I don't want to waste them all.

Varath: Maybe a duplication trick won't hurt!

Ashley: Duplication?? What are you mention-

Varath: Get your bullets, ill duplicate them! And your magazines!

Ashley: Okay I don't know how this going to work... (She went and pick up her backpack and place it on the bed and grabbed one box of 50 BMG and open it and the bullets fall from it flawlessly) Those are the bullets.

Varath: (Picking one inspecting it) This thing is heavy! Well let start duplicating so how much munitions do you need?

Ashley: As many you can give me!

Varath: (Putting the bullet on his bed and holding it with his palm) Rexavry...

Ashley: Huh?

Varath: (Few more moment of silence and he finished duplicating) And lets pull this blanket! (He pull his blanket and theres fifty BMGs)

Ashley: (Impressed) OH!! How do you do that!?!

Varath: Magic my girl! Now give me a magazine.

Ashley: Yeah! Here! (Pulls the magazine from the Barrett)

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