2: Shadows Of The Past (1)

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I peered out of the car window, passing by the colossal triangular structures that had haunted my thoughts for what felt like an eternity. To most, these architectural marvels were a testament to human ingenuity, offering a sense of tranquility. But for people like me, who have had their struggles, it's different. We don't disregard the beauty of these structures; instead, we see the hidden darkness and secrets concealed beneath the grand façade of art and architecture.

Beneath the earth's surface, the secrets of the underground were veiled from the world. Even the sky and the clouds seemed to wonder about the enigma hidden so deeply that only a fraction of it was visible in this intricate puzzle. What were they trying to keep hidden from the world? It remained a mystery. Nobody dared to probe, and those who did never returned. Those who did return were met with disbelief. The pyramids, as we all see them, served as a clever makeup to conceal the unsightly past and the hidden truths of history.

I glanced at my phone to check the remaining distance to my destination, heaving a sigh when it displayed another two hours. The time was nearing 6:00 p.m., and the sun had nearly dipped below the horizon, casting shades of red and orange across the sand. Locals guided their camels homeward, and children played alongside their mothers. The sky gradually transitioned from lighter to darker shades of red before the night's darkness enveloped it. It was a scene you'd want to frame and hang on your wall, but for me, there were many frames to fill before I could hang this one.

The gears in my mind were turning, but my body had grown weary, struggling to keep up with my thoughts. Inevitably, my mind yielded, and I drifted into sleep, awaiting the arrival of my destination.


"We're here," the driver announced, jerking me from my slumber. I rubbed my eyes, pushed open the car door, and a gust of wind swept in, whispering secrets or perhaps issuing a subtle warning. Glancing at my reflection in the rearview mirror, I fixed my disheveled hair and stepped onto the ground. Just then, a distinctive crash echoed – an old woman's jar of oil slipping from her grasp. She appeared terrified, her hands trembling, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Jidda?" I hesitated, addressing her with the Arabic term for "Granny."

A group of husky boys emerged, followed by a man whose rugged charm defied conventional male model standards. His meticulously groomed golden hair, though lively, couldn't conceal the furrowed brow that hinted at frustration.

But it was his eyes that seized my attention. Charcoal black, they held depths of mystery darker than the shadows they cast. There was an enigmatic gleam, a glint that spoke of untold stories and concealed emotions. Those eyes seemed to hide secrets, not just about him, but about the world – a portal to a realm unknown.

In the play of light and shadow, his gaze carried a ghostly quality, like windows to a hidden dimension. The obsidian orbs held a captivating power, drawing me in with their unspoken promises. It was as if he carried a universe in those eyes, a universe that dared me to explore its complexities.

As he moved, the darkness within those eyes intensified, creating an aura of mystique. It was a gaze that left me questioning, craving to unravel the mysteries buried beneath the surface. Whoever he was, the allure of his eyes was a magnetic force, pulling me into a realm of unknown enchantment.

"Excuse me," a young woman interrupted my thoughts. "I apologize for the intrusion." She gestured towards the elderly lady being escorted away by the gentlemen, and the distinguished man approaching us. His confident stride suggested a commanding presence, a quality evidently familiar to those in the vicinity. Maintaining a respectful distance, he extended his hand. "You must be Miss Eva Petrov? I hope I have the spelling correct," his cultured Indian accent carried a magnetic allure, as though his voice had been crafted by unseen hands, dipped in shadows by some divine force.

Accepting his hand, I inquired, "And you are?"
"Hussain. Ahmed Hussain. Your guide in the Light's Embrace," he replied.

Interrupting our conversation, the young woman spoke again. "Hello? Ma'am?" I acknowledged her briefly before asking, "Did he depart?" I turned to the girl, struggling to recall his name.

"There is no one else here except us two. You require rest; you'll be fine. Allow me to escort you to your room; come along," she insisted with enthusiasm, leading the way as I followed closely.

"See you tomorrow!" she said upon closing the door behind her, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Convinced he had spoken to me, I contemplated the fleeting vision, lost in my musings. The tranquility was disrupted, not by the girl this time, but by a series of knocks on the door.

"Hello?" I inquired, questioning his unexpected return. "Hey," I greeted in return.

He extended his hand, revealing a meticulously crafted braided bracelet with a red stone. "This is a customary welcome gift for our guests. Please refrain from removing it until your departure from Oculus," he explained.

Expressing gratitude, I attempted to take the bracelet from his hand. "May I?" he politely asked, and I extended my hand as he secured the bracelet on my wrist. Observing his lips move as if in a chant, I refrained from interrupting. As he concluded, the red stone emitted a brilliant glow, prompting me to close my eyes momentarily.

"Rest well. We have much to discuss tomorrow," he remarked before vanishing down the stairs.

Confused by his mysterious words, I couldn't shake off the feeling of puzzlement. His message left me scratching my head, trying to figure out what he meant and what lay ahead in this intriguing journey.

I pondered the braided bracelet adorning my wrist. Admiring its intricate design, I closed the door and headed to the washroom, intending to alleviate the fatigue accumulated during my prolonged journey. As I prepared to brush my teeth, I noticed a note affixed to the sink mirror.

"To unlock the secrets, follow the black thread to the Veil of Dawn. As the sun gently kisses the desert horizon, a hidden passage will reveal itself. Embrace the warmth of morning's first light, for within lies the sanctuary where shadows and solace intertwine. - Your Guide in the Light's Embrace."


A.N. Beginning with the first part of Chapter 2, it spans 1086 words. While I understand some authors prefer longer chapters, this one required a more concise approach. With over 40 chapters planned, brevity will be key without skirting the narrative's essence. Updates will occur every two days on scheduled release days. Your understanding is appreciated, and thank you for your support!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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