Chapter-4(Part-1):The Abyss of Despair

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[N.B. We do not support or encourage any of these event and these are only for fictional purposes]

Paul screamed after hearing this.. Richard was thrown down but why? He was just fine the other day why would someone want to kill him? Is it- is it Davuth?
Paul cuts the call and runs to hospital..
"Officer what happened?" Paul panicked
"Sir he is in ICU he is barely responding.. I don't know what will happen to him.."
"Did you find anything? I mean anything around him that was suspicious?"
"Sir as I told you I wasn't there when he was found.. But according to the police they found nothing but him.. He though did feel like was in a lot of pain as his face was shrunken.."
"But why would he attain suicide all on a sudden.. He was in such a mood the other day why would someone commit such a thing?"
"I don't know sir I am so clueless with case..."
Pauls looks at the operation room completely speechless as he was too clueless of the events he remembers this was exactly how it was in his previous case..
On the other hand at the station leaving everyone completely unaware a weird man wearing a black shirt putting on a cap and a mask mostly with a fit body almost his face was not visible came at stood at the doorstep of the station.. His appearance made everyone look and think who it was.... Aden was talking with papers in her hand with the other officer but then she looked up at him as he slowly approaches her..
Now that the man is close enough he puts down his mask and cap only to reveal he was Davuth Ryan the cluelessness and confusing face of Aden says it all that she didn't recognise him at all.. Davuth walks upto her a bit more and tells her..
"I am Davuth Ryan.. Arrest me.."
Aden looked at the man with so much questions and she could barely believe what was happening..
"Davuth- Davuth Ryan? You're?"
At the Hospital:
Doctors came out and Paul came back to his senses and looked at doctor..
"Mr. Paul situation is under control he is in good hands now.."
"Really doctor? When can he talk? Is he conscious yet?"
"Umm.. He is in sense but is unconscious ..But- Mr. Paul I'm afraid that won't be possible for him to talk.."
"I don't know Mr. Paul but maybe he was hurt and under pressure and it's sure he didn't wanted to die in the first place but whatever the reason is.. We assume he has paralysis on one side of his body.. I'm afraid if doesn't talk in the next 72 hours we will have to assume him paralysed.."
Paul was so stunned not a single word was coming out of him.. What? Richard was the only person who could've have helped him reach the conclusion but Alas..
Next Paul told the officer to stay beside Richard and update him with any news.. Paul straight walked out of the hospital completely speechless for what just happened why is everything so finely organised.. How is all possible way of reaching a safe conclusion is turned off.. What've he possibly done wrong that he is facing consequences of every riddle seems to be ten times difficult.. Why are everyone around him going away..
Before, he used to go to Aden she'd always help him but now? Now what? Where is she? Paul starts to drive.. Is there anyone who can listen to him without advising him with things?
Paul reached Vincent house the only person who can listen to him now..
(Bell rings)
"Hey Mr. Detective how did you remember this old punk? I thought you already had a lot of beauty around.."
"I can't- Vincent I can't- I can't understand what's going around.."
Paul walks in as he keeps talking
"Why? What happened" Vincent says while locking the door
"I don't know Vincent everything is just so messed up.. I'm completely clueless about what's happening.. At first when Davuth disappears it seemed to be a normal case of compound money laundering but as the case forwarded everything is scattered everything is just blurred out.. I- can't figure out anything.."
"Oh my goodness.. That's sounds like a big problem.."
"I know Vincent but there is nothing I can do.. Everything does point out that Davuth killed all those people but then again those are just so clearly pointing him out without giving any necessary signal or proof that can make it clear that it's him.."
"How about the papers anything must clue something.."
"I don't know Vincent after you told me that the reports always showed something very normal compared to what you suspected.."
"What? How is that possible?"
"I don't know Vincent I'm so frustrated.. It all reminds me of my previous case.."
"hmm I still can't understand how can there be a footage.."
"You remember according to her father she climbed up the stairs and then the electricity went out when it came back and the elevator wasn't working and she wasn't found until they found her body being crushed by falling in to the elevator engines.. But the footage showed she rushed by looking both side to meet a man on the other side but out of nowhere a parked car came and crashed her.."
"Yes but I found some polonium in her blood.. But according to that footage she was crushed by a car but if so then it's not possible for polonium to be present in her body cause it's presence indicates she died long ago.."
"I know Vincent her father was crying and was so sure but again how can she be crushed in to the engine if the light went out..?"
"Hmm Paul this case seems same at the same time different but I suggest you don't do anything you'll regret later.."
"Vincent.. I am so sick of this.. I want this to end real quick.. I can't take this anymore.. Aden is also leaving"
"Hmm- wait- what?! Aden is leaving? When? Why? Nobody told me about that.."
"It's all my fault Vincent.. I am a very bad and selfish person.. She- she always helped me but I never cared for her.. I don't think she deserves me.."
"What? Deserve you? What's wrong with you? Clear out.."
"Vincent Aden said she loves me.."
"What?! but you like Emily don't you..?"
"I don't know about that Vincent.. Emily did although made me feel nice and comfortable when she first was there to interview.. I really felt bad for her.. I do for everyone but she had her self together trying so hard not to breakdown.. You know how many countless times I've offered her help but she won't take any.."
"Hmm she sounds like she holds her pride.. But what happened to Aden why's she leaving?"
"She blamed Prosecutor Carl and officer Daniel that they were misplacing the papers and said she had proof and called Officer Peter but then when Officer Peter came he denied everything saying she was making things up.. I know she might be stress and frustration that's why she mislead herself she's not like that.. but I behaved rudely to her"
"Okay but I'm not maybe this close to Aden but as much as I know she's a very sober officer and is very tight when comes to her work then why would she do this stupid thing.. You should atleast check if she's lying or not.. Apparently humans can do anything.. Right?"
"I checked the papers nothing seemed wrong I don't think Davuth can enter there and will not be seen convincing everyone he can just change the papers right?"
"You make sense but sometimes things might not be the way they were supposed to.. You should do things rightly and I believe being a Detective your senses may kick in..."
At the station Aden was sitting with Davuth infront of her Davuth was sitting like a lifeless doll.. Aden was looking at her with so much question and disbelief but again something in her tells her continuously that he is innocent but what is it?
"(Aden looks up) yes?"
" I have searched but Officer Daniel, Peter, Carl or Paul isn't there.."
"Then go find pictures in the documents- (Peter enters)"
"Who's- is it?" says Peter in disbelief
Aden ignoring him tells the other officer
"Find out with the help of responsible officers if he's Davuth or not before taking any action inform Detective Paul and for then let him stay in the locker.."
Aden walks away but looks finally at the torn out man.. Something's wrong Aden knows in her mind but she could barely do anything..
"Yes mam.."
"He is Davuth- Davuth Ryan?" Peter gasps..
On the other hand at the cabin of Senior Officer that was in charge of conduction of Davuth's case..
"Welcome Mr. Wagner"
Johannes walks in giving him a look and sits on the couch..
"So Officer Henry.. You're room seems to be full of prizes.."
"(smiles) All because you were always there for me.."
"You know I hate it when people talk to me that way...(cold then smiles)"
"Sorry Sir.. What do you wanna have?"
"You know this Paul seems to be a person of huge ego.. Thank you for transferring Aden she was always a pain in the ass.. Here's your payment.."
He recieves the payment and chuckles
"That's nothing sir.. Tell me when ever you need I'll even kick her out of here"
Johannes smiles
Johannes went to a bar he's already high after having too many shots
"Whe-re a-re the Bo-tt-l-es..?"
"Here you go sir.. Enjoy.."
"Enjoyyyyy... Life is all about enjoying.. Do you wanna hear what happens to someone who has too much brave-ry hhmm??"
"mmm.. Why not sir you're my regular customer.. How can I not?"
"Hhmmee(laughs) Once there was a reporter girl.. She was so- so- brave she used to go to all crime scenes and bring out- the criminals.. One day she entered a big company to show illegal goods trafficking and torturing people she- won't listen- she barged in- and there was handsome hero.."
"And they fall in love? Is it some kind of CEO and the girl kind of story?"
"No silly- and I don't like people interrupting me.. I hate them.."
"Oh sorry sir.."
"Hmm now- listen- she barged in and saw a handsome guy.. He walked to her and told her to delete the footages but- but- but- as I said she WAS BRAVE- she won't listen so I then offered her new phone bags foods money.. She- (smiles) heheh she didn't want them she said she will end me.. END ME? (Laughs looking at the bottle)"
"End YOU? You were him.."
"Huh? Did I say me? I meant he..Him.."
"Oh (looks sus)"
"Then she brought out her phone and told him she recorded everything.. She was pretty she was young.. The handsome hero felt pity he then went to her father to offer money in return to delete those footages.. But his father was another M*****f****** won't listen.. He tried so hard (drinks) but couldn't help her ego he then having no clue made a plan called her to her fathers office on the 5th floor she went there but found no one.. When she started to come down she found The Hero standing in the elevator.. He for the last time asked her for the footages but she didn't listen then he injected her with polonium as the lights went out.. And then threw her down the 6th floor in to the engines of the elevator and"
"And?" Carl came and holds Johannes as he was about to loose control
" Ohh.. Carl then the papers got change with her footage of getting almost crashed by a car a month there.. And everybody believed me.. Paul was a idiot back then and still is.."
"Oh so that was the thing you're talking about...?"
"hmm no? Shhh- I got lot more than that(laughs)"
On the other hand as Paul was talking to Vincent he recieves a call..
(Phone rings)
"Yes? excuse me Vincent"
"Sir I am Officer Peter sir Davuth Ryan has showed up at the station he says he surrenders.."
"What? Davuth(Paul stands up) How is that possible?"
"Yes sir please come quick.."
"Yes I'm coming.."
(cuts phone)
"What happened?"
Paul says while taking his jacket and stuffs
"Davuth showed up.."
"What where..?"
"At the station"
" looks like now you can finally get from the case.."
"hmm I'll see Vincent.. I'll be leaving for now"
"Yes take care"
Paul leaves while thinking why Davuth would do something like surrendering himself?
At the bar:
(Phone rings)
"Yes hello"
"Davuth is here.."
"What? What do you mean he is here?"
"Davuth is right at the moment at station.. He surrendered.."
Carl looks at Johannes after talking on the phone for a few minutes.. He looked so tensed..
"What happened Carl?" asks Johannes
"Davuth- he showed up.."
"What? Where?"
"At the station.. Paul said he is surrendering.."
"What? Why would he do that?"
"(tensely looking side ways) What if he wants to talk to Emily?"
"No No that won't happen.. I did all these.. He can't win it.."
"What will you do?"
"I don't know.. You go try to do whatever you can.."
"Why are you staring at me? Move, Move your a**.."
"Aa....Yes Yes.."
Johannes tensely sips out of the beer glass and Carl leaves in a hurry.. Everybody is now confused about what just happened..
Carl sits in the Car and informs Daniel about Davuth reaching the station..
Paul quickly ran to the station and barged in only find out Peter was sitting there..
"Where is Davuth?"
"He is in the cell.."
Paul started to walk to walk quickly.. Dozens of questions are lingering around his head why would he come? If he really committed all this things he should be hiding.. Is he really mentally ill?
Paul walks in the cell ward and saw him sitting lifelessly on the couch.. He carefully takes his gun out and goes a bit close to the cell..
(Davuth looks at him)
"I am- I am Paul Johnson.. I am engaged for investigating for the case"
Davuth looked at him
"Can I meet my wife Emily?"
"I- um No.. You need to be in the custody and we need your confession-"
Before Paul could finish Davuth went to his place and sat it seemed like he knew it won't be possible for him to escape the fate.. Paul never felt this way but he really wanted to ask him WHY WHY? Why did he do that to Emily? Why he killed all those innocent people? Why he fled? Why he played with people's life? But something felt like Paul hesitated to ask this deep somewhere he knew something was wrong he really wanted to ask him Why he would surrender?
Otherside Davuth's heart wrenched the only thing he has was himself as a proof that he did nothing...
Paul came back to his cabin where he saw Peter, Daniel and Carl standing there looking at him.. Paul looked at Peter
"Officer Peter? Can you please go arrange for the confession tomorrow we will make sure about Davuth and take his statement.."
"Okay sir.." Peter looked at Carl
Carl looked at Peter and said
"Did- Did Davuth really surrender?"
"Yes" Paul looked sideways
"Why did he do that? Wasn't he fleeing?"
"Well sometimes not always everything goes the ways we want them to right?" Aden smacks some paper on the desk infront of Paul
Paul looks at her with so much questions..
Carl looks at her disgustedly
"Well I know that my opinion doesn't count because it's too good for some people's brain to understand so they rather don't but still I just wanted to say that I've done the paper works regarding Davuth.."
Everyone slowly walks out of the room as Carl walks out..
Aden was also about to leave but
"Umm Aden?"
Aden looks back with a surprised face
"I- I- can't understand what's happening everything seems so obvious but still blurred.. Am I missing something?" Says Paul
"I never thought we would have to talk like strangers but here it is you're a Detective and it's your duty to suspect people and not work with emotions.. And do tell Emily about him..."
"Aden.. I- I- don't think it'll be the right thing to do.. She'll be so stressed.."
"Ok then do what you want.."
"Aden- (Aden looks back) I-(gulps Paul) I am sorry-"
Aden looks back to see the guilty face of Paul..
"Sorry is the only word you should always try not to say because you know there's nothing left when this word is the only option"
Aden looks down and sighs and leaves
Paul's heard shredded.. What is happening? Is he falling for her? Or is it the guilt of loosing his dearest friends..? Or was she really the special one..?
"Tell Emily? What do I tell her?" Paul whispers to his own self..
On the otherhand At the bakery devastated Emily was working unaware of what was happening..
"Umm- Kyle-?(holds belly)"
"Yes? Oh- what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I am- (holds belly again) I just wanted to tell you the order of table 9-"
"Okh but What happened?"
Seeing Emily's state Eliana cane running..
"What's wrong Emily? Are you okay?"
"I-(holds her own mouth and rushes to the toilet)"
Lexie just came out after getting her apron on
"What happened?" Asked Eliana to Kyle
"I don't know she came to give me the order of table-9 and"
"Okay Kyle I'll see"Before she could finish she saw Lexie
"What's wrong? Did something happen?"
"Lexie you turn on the tv for the customer I'll see what's wrong"
"Okay but"
Eliana left to see Emily
Lexie quickly told Kyle to prepare the order while she went to turn on the tv
But as soon as Lexie turn on the TV the customer who was an old lady said
"She looks like she's pregnant.. During pregnancy it's normal to puke like that but she shouldn't be working this time.. It's not good for the baby.. Where's her husband?"
"Oh he's-"
Before Lexie would say anything her attention got caught by the reporting of the channel she opened
NEWS ANCHOR: "Davuth Ryan, a popular criminal of few times ago has been caught by the police.. It is said that he has cases of money laundering, murder of 2 people along with attempt to murder of 2 people among them his wife who is pregnant was his prime victim but for the police force she had been saved.. According to the news he will be punished after confession according to the law..."
Kyle and Lexie both stared at each other in pure terror and confusion
"Yes.. It's true that Davuth has surrendered.."
"I can see that Daniel.."
"But Mr. Carl doesn't that mean we have to do something about it..?"
"What can you do Daniel?"
"Look he will tell everyone everything and we can't kill him that'll only worsen the situation"
"I know that stop speaking nonsense and think what you can do..I mean why would he come back? He could've tried to contact Richard or something would help me a lot but look at him coming all the way here just to tell the world he didn't do anything.."
"I know but we'll have to do something right if that Paul starts believing him.. It won't be easy to end all these.."
"Hmm but"
(phone rings)
"Who is it- oh (smiles) Umm- Mr. Carl I'll have to take this call.."
"Hmm do it" (sips Coffee)
" Oh Thanks"
(After talking a while)
"What happened?"
"Umm sir I'll have to go now my son's birthday was today I promised him I'll take him to eat pizza.."
"Oh you have a son?"
"Okay go.."
Carl looks at Daniel as he leaves..
As carl looks back at the coffee he sees a weird man and stutters
"Who are you?"
"That's not important now.. Did you think about what you'll do?"
"Mr. Wagner?(laughs) what's wrong with your clothes? Man you look so weird"
"Shut up and answer.."
"No but atleast tell me how did you find me?"
"You're complete nonsense.. You're never gonna get a promotion.."
"Umm no.. Please tell me what you think ?"
"I knew it... You won't be able to do anything..Useless! Listen go in the confession room and see what happens"
"It's obvious he would tell him everything what's there to see.. You tell how to prove him wrong"
"I'll have to make Emily stop from trying to meet Davuth other wise everything will be much more difficult"
"But how will that work I mean her husband was out of the town everybody has so many questions and things to say wouldn't she want to see him at least once..?"
"You know what Carl? EGO it is a thing that people cannot resist and end everything for it.. I'll go and do my thing I'll tell you what you'll have to do.. Till then make sure to convince Paul for dragging him to court and yes you have to be the lawyer.."
"But tell me something why wouldn't you just kill Emily.. She's the problem without her there won't be any problem"
"Sometimes you don't speak when you don't know.."
Johannes left after saying those to Carl and Carl sat there speechless..
The next day Davuth was taken to the confession room and Paul was there.. Daniel, Carl, Peter and others were listening from the other side..
Davuth sat there and Paul started questioning.. Aden stood there too but she wasn't supposed to but her curiosity to know about Davuth couldn't help...
"You're Mr. Davuth Ryan, 30 years old?"
"You've charged for mysteriously fleeing-"
"I didn't do any of those.."
"I didn't do anything I am accused with.."
"So you're trying to say that you didn't Kill them and flee away"
"Yes.. I did flee away but I didn't do anything.."
"Oh really? That's the worst way someone could lie Mr. Davuth you fled away with the money you got from deceiving people in the name of a fake company.."
"No I didn't.. Yes I did flee away but I didn't deceive anyone.. I was told by Richard Tumbler my partner that there was this company called GREEN CARPET that is helping new businessmen grow.."
"Mr. Davuth you know you are not making any sense now.."
"No I am- I- trusted Richard and he told me to stay away as the company wasn't giving me the papers and money I didn't have any option.."
"Oh really you could've talk to police Mr. Davuth.. If that what the case was.."
"I couldn't Richard convinced me so hard that I thought fleeing was the only way.. I- really didn't do anything.."
"Mr. Davuth you could've talked to your wife.." Said Paul in a softer tone
"My wife- how is she? Do you know? I know she's pregnant.."
"And yet you tried to kill her how heartless" Carl entered
"I- I- tried to kill Emily..?" Said Davuth in disbelief
" Yes not only that if you have memory problem let me remind you of killing innocent Mrs. Sharlet and Mr. Smith what did they ever do to you?"
"I- I- did not kill them.. I'm telling you this all is staged to frame me as a killer.. Someone's is doing this.. Please trust I came to you only to seek help get me out of this.."
"Oh stop pretending everything every single evidence point you out and you claim to be innocent..?"
"Carl stop.. I don't know why you did all these but you're the most heinous criminal" said Paul
"I didn't kill them.. Didn't kill them...(Davuth shouted) I didn't-!"
"Every criminal says this once caught.. You'll face your doom soon.." said Carl smiling
"Trust me believe me I came to say this I didn't do anything.. Emily- I came here just for her.. I love her more than my life.. My baby and she will be so lonely without me please help me.. I am telling you all this are all wrong please.."
Carl was about say something but Paul stopped him and said..
"Mr. Smith's desk had this hand written note on it and it is the spitting image of yours how do you explain that? The gun's bullet that was used to kill Mrs. Sharlet was the same as your friend Mr. Mathew's whose gun was taken by a man who looked alike to exactly how you looked when you went to kill Mrs. Emily.. You want to say everything is coincidence?"
"No No.. Officer I went there to meet Emily I didn't- I can't even imagine about hurting her.. About Mrs. Sharlet and the gun I can show you the old farmhouse I was living in I didn't get out.. I just saw this girl talking about Emily and I followed her and it was my Emily so I sometimes went there to see her.. I tried to talk to her but couldn't.. Everytime I did there was something.."
"And How do you explain your frequent visit to Richards office?" Asked Carl in a quirky voice
"I went there to meet him as well but- but he refused every time.. He was upto something but it took me a while to realise all these time he used me.. I tried to help his company but him.. He-"
"Oh really tell me now all these coincidentally happened.. Out of nowhere- you're a great liar and actor" said Carl violently
"All these killings indicated you Davuth and you are now just potraying nothing but a clear coldminded psycopath" Said Paul looking clueless
"I- (Davuth came out speechless) I- am telling you somebody is fabricating all these.. Something big is going on.. Rich- Yes! Yes! Yes!(Davuth shouted) Richard.. Call him.. He would give testimony.. Call him.. I'll make him say everything"
"He-(Paul looked so clueless)"
"Where is he? Is he not available?" said Davuth out of disbelief
"Oh(laughs) Such a great actor you are.. I suspect you already know after sending him almost to death.. This is too much to act out Mr. Davuth.. You're too inhuman to listen to how can you so cold mindedly attempt to kill people?" Said Carl
"What? He is in the hospital? (Looks at Paul)"
"Yes he got thrown by your inhumanity down the bridge..He is paralysed just the way you wanted it.."
"No- No- That- That Can't be true.. I want to meet Emily"(shouts and screams Davuth)
Paul till now was looking down but he looked up as soon as Davuth shouted.. Paul was about to say something when..
"Officers quick take him to the cell" Said Carl in a hurry
Before Paul could summarize what was happening everything came silent in the matter of seconds.. Paul saw a man screaming desperately to let him meet his wife once.. Paul believes he's a criminal but there's nothing he said that doesn't make sense but there is no way to make them make sense.. Paul keeps mumbling to himself that he is a criminal but he only seemed to be a genuine father..
"Why did you do that Carl?" Paul asked him strictly
"What? Sir.. Didn't you see? He was about to attack.. He was making things up Don't fall for his tricks.. Remember he's a criminal.."
"Well at first No he wasn't about to attack and nobody is a criminal until proven to be one.."
"C'mon you're being so sensitive.. No I mean yes he did look convincing but think everything that happened.. Isn't it obvious he's up to all these.. The way he was matching things and Did you believe that crap that Richard told him and he fled out of fear..? I mean why would anyone in there right sense do that..? Think in stable mind it was all nonsense served with a side dish of emotion.. Don't believe him and don't you ever let him meet Emily.."
Paul stood there speechlessly nothing happening around him was something he was assured of.. Aden was watching standing there.. She knew something is wrong but what? It's really complicated actually..
Actually humans are slave to their eyes they cannot think beyond their vision and thus they all become puppet of what the world says..
"Sir? Please talk to the court.. I think taking him to the court will only prove everything.." says Carl

Thanks for all the reads and we'll upload chapters like this If you enjoy reading this then please leave a comment and let us know And also sorry for all these delay Hope you understand and once again Thanks a lot

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