Chapter-2:False Facade

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"Good Afternoon Mrs. Emily. I am detective Paul Johnson.. I appreciate you coming in today to speak with me. I understand your husband has been involved in some recent criminal activities, and I'd like to ask you a few questions to help with our investigation."

With red swollen eyes Emily just can't have any idea of why her so loving husband would do something like that.. As she looked down and couldn't lift herself up because no matter how strong she is.. Right now her heart weights more than anything heavy in the world..

"(Sniffs) Sir,(gulps) Yes, I'm aware of the situation, and I'm willing to cooperate. What would you like to know?" ( In an very unstable voice)

Detective looked at her and could understand what she's probably going.. Somewhere in his heart he feels bad for her...

"I understand this must be incredibly difficult for you. But can you tell me about your husband's recent behaviour or any changes in his routine that you've noticed?"

"(still looks down and tries to lift up words with all strength she has left) Officer, My husband was a noble person.. He was never the type of person who would do something wrong for money.."

"Thank you for your response and I do understand that it's difficult for you to stay stable but we need proofs in order to prove him anything, So please cooperate.. We're trying to piece together the events leading up to these crimes. Has your husband displayed any unusual purchases or sudden financial changes recently?"

"(sniffs) I don-don't see or know anything( breaks down in tears)"

Detective gets up and tries to console her but had no words..she gave her some water...

"Please stay strong.. Your strength is very important.. We still don't know if he really did that but if we would stay strong and help us.. We may find a way to prove his innocence if he is..."

" (wipes her face and drinks water) It was nothing unusual.. He went office and was tensed( still looks down in disbelief) I asked him what happened he said that his sales were not good for then the past few day he was very tensed about his business.. Then one day he said he had a loss and after few days he said he is buying sales for his company (looks up at officer and then away) I didn't get a chance to know more than this.. He was completely norma-normal..(sniffs)"

"I am so sorry I had to ask you but Can you tell me about your husband's any changes in his routine that you've noticed aside this?

"Detective, he's been distant, but I thought it was just work-related stress. He's been leaving the house at odd hours, and I had no idea it was connected to something like tthis I tru-trusted him with everything"

"I see.."

"I have loved him for more than half of my young life, I knew him I loved him, I can never imagine him doing anything like that..I beli-believe he would come ba-back.."

(detective getting up to comfort her)

(the officers gossiping in the back)

"Did you see?"


"Mr.Johnson never comforted anyone like that before.."

"'re right..."

"Can you stop gossiping and work?"

"C'mon Aden..It's not not like you can't see it? Or is it because you lik-"

"If you don't seem to have any work resign.. And don't waste the uniform on such invaluable topics.."(She left)

"See? I told you..she likes him.."

Could've been otherwiseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ