• LA radio interview

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when he keeps getting shy when mentioning you in the interview

Jungkook waits patiently as he sees the picture that he has set on his phone for your contact. It was your face squished by him making you look all cute and pouty. He remembers the day clearly. It was the first time you two were separated after being together in a relationship and Jungkook had schedules overseas with the group. The picture was when he came back home after being 2 weeks away, seeing you all pouty when he reached home. He thought it was the cutest and sweetest memory he had of you... also because of what happened after. It was the first time you two made love to each other.

Soon, the screen goes black and then your face fills up his screen again.

"Hi baby" you grinned.

"Hey~~~were you going to sleep?" he asks after noticing you were already cuddled in your sheets or should he say HIS sheets.

"Hm, I just got in bed. I took Bam out to the toilet before this" you say.

Jungkook smiled.

"How is he? Has he been behaving well?" he asks, worried that his dog might be causing trouble for you.

"He's the sweetest. Today, he stayed right next to me the whole day. We even cuddled while I was watching the series" you say.

"I'm jealous of him" Jungkook pouts.

You giggled turning to show Bam in his dog bed next to your bed.

"Did you move his bed?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Yeah, before this he was sleeping on the floor next to me. So I moved his bed here" you say.

"He's so cute..." Jungkook sighs.

"Are you doing your schedules right now?" you ask, noticing that he had make up on and was all dressed up.

"Yeah, I'm doing another radio interview later"he says.

"It's the last one, hopefully it doesn't last too long. I'm tired already" he added.

"Hmmm must be nerve wrecking huh?" you ask.

"Yeah, it's a lot different. I can't depend on Namjoon hyung to answer the questions anymore. I have to at least try to answer in English whenever I can," he says.

"You don't HAVE to, you're korean after all. That's your first language so it's fine" you say.

"I know... but i'll try with the words you taught me"he smiled.

"I'm a good english teacher aren't i?" you teased.

"So good" Jungkook praises.

"When is your flight back home?" you ask.

"Tomorrow, but i'll be reaching Korea at night" he says.

"Are you coming home straight?" you ask.

"Yeah, I hope so. No scratch that, yes. I'll be coming home straight. Just want to get back to you as soon as possible" he whines, exaggeratedly.

"You're so dramatic" you say.

"Only because I miss you" he smiled endearingly.

"Jungkook, you have to go now" you hear one of his staff say.

"Ah, baby. I've got to go" he says.

"Okay. Hope you have fun. Don't stress yourself"you say.

"Okay. Goodnight, I love you, rest well" he says blowing a kiss.

"I love you too, goodnight" you blew him a kiss too and you both ended the call with smiles on your faces.


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