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"It's the fourth murder this month! What are you all doing!!" Head bowed in shame, we all stood in front of the Director as he threw the reports on us one after another of all murders. "W-We are trying, we even got a clue in the recent one!! Officer Sihyuk found the clue with the body!" It was me, not hyung. 

"Then fucking work on it!! I need to answer the media!" He sneered before dropping down on his chair then again looking back at us. "Now what are you all standing for? Get back to work!" 

I walked out of his office with every one else and a spine splitting pain on my back. The murders were increasing and we had no idea who was doing it. The clue I got from the victims clothes give away nothing but a rhyme which I didn't even get to read completely before my hyung snatched it, like everything he did from me.

"Taehyung, bring me a cup of coffee!" He ordered from his cabin. "Bring one for Gyum too!" He yelled again, now for his best friend. He orders me not only at home but at work too. With a sigh I left from there for his coffee, extra sweet for a bitter person like him. He is my brother, but I hate him more than I hate my parents who favor him always and treat me as if either I am invisible or I am the most useless person ever on earth.  

I am an investigation officer, cracked 100's of cases in my career of 4 years but my brother is the one who got the best officer award every time. He always steals away my reports by threatening me to tell my parents I am coming in his way of work, or just trick me in a case and have me fired. I tried my best to justify his actions but I can't anymore. 

I hate my brother, my family. 

When I got back with their coffee in their cabin, I saw the clue fallen near their feet while they were guffawing among themselves over something in their phone. I quickly kept their coffee on the table and pulled away the chit with my foot before picking it up and leaving immediately. 

"Taetae!" I flinched at the remark and turned towards the sound. "Jimin, how many times did I say, don't hang on the bars, they hit the bars and will hit your hands too if found you like this." I said out of concern before pushing his arms back in. He was caught for stealing from a mart though he refused to tell others the exact reason and told them he did it for one, when in reality he was hungry. His parents died recently, leaving close to nothing for him except for a roof on his head so he was an orphan and really hungry. He is seven years younger than me, still refuses to call me hyung saying I am too young to be a 'hyung'.

"Aww! Look at the 25 years old lil cutie acting like a hyung." And he is a brat too. "Go back in or I will bring mustard sauce instead of tomato." I threatened and it worked as he quickly ran back in, away from the bars. I have the night duty, so I took it upon myself to bring food for him since my parents gush over my hyung's money and they all think I don't even get 1/3rd of what hyung gets when in reality, we have the same pay. So, my bank account is loaded, I can get settled in another country with my own residence easily if I want to.

"Kim, you should stop trying to befriend the criminals. I am starting to assume you have sort of partnership with them as how easily you catch them with that stick figure of yours." I rolled my eyes silently without facing the fatso. All he ever does is sit, sleep and eat. I am not stick figure, I just refuse to remove my clothes and show them so they conclude, thanks to my brother, I am a malnourished freak. 

"Taehyung-ah!" I whipped my head towards the whispering sound. It was coming from the third cell, away from his eyes. I silently walked to that cell, waving silently at the man inside. "Hey hyung!" His name is Min Yoongi. He killed the molester of his mother who was his father, but in court it was proved that he didn't killed and the man died to alcohol poisoning. which is why he is here, soon going to be out in free.

"My offer is still up, give me a list I will make sure they pay for their deeds. Can't risk murder because I can't luck out every time." I giggled at his words knowing he was pretty much serious and it's not the first time he has said this. But I don't want him in any more trouble so I refuse. "Hyung, karma will get them, pretty soon, I can feel it in my bones. All you should do after getting free is approach the Jimin over there and look after him when I am not available." 

"Ahh the pretty one? I can do that. He is good to you, might even make my special dish for him." I was happy to know someone would be there for him even if I won't be. In my field, I have more enemies inside than outside so I don't know when I tick off one of the officers and they decide to get me out of their way for once and all. 

Suddenly I remembered the clue, "Gotta go hyung, another case to solve!" and bolted off from there with his yelling fading in background, "Take the credit this time!!"

 Well, I will try.

I reached my cabin and unwrapped the chit, squinting at the words written on it.

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?

Brother John, Brother John?

Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing

Ding dang dong, ding dang dong. 

It's a nursery rhyme? What it has to do with him? Are you sleep-sleeping? The victims name was John! And he was found dead in his bed on sunday morning with a slit neck. But, what's the bells?

Is this a threat note or.....a clue?

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