[7] Appointment Time

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"I'm back, Onii-chan!" Kazumi pushed the door open and shouted.

"Oh, perfect, lunch is ready, let's eat together," Kazuya looked at his sister walking in and said.

"Yes, brother, what did you make?"

"Omelette rice," Kazuya smiled. "Come, taste it, and see if there's any improvement."


"Wash your hands first."

"Yes~" Kazumi nodded, washed her hands, and sat in her usual spot. "I'm starting."

"Kazumi, do you have plans for tomorrow?"

"Umm... I haven't decided yet," Kazumi thought for a moment and, with a spoonful of omelette rice in her mouth, murmured, "Onii-chan seems to have something going on, Kazumi is probably staying at home."

"Is that so," Kazuya nodded. "If you have nothing planned, let's go to the amusement park tomorrow."

"Huh? Really?" Kazumi said excitedly.

"Yes, of course, I can't leave you idle at home," Kazuya stood up and pinched Kazumi's nose.

"Don't pinch my nose," Kazumi said, laughing. "Nee~ how about playing Hanafuda later?"

"Ah, sure."

"Ring ring ring—"

Just then, the phone rang.

Kazuya furrowed his brow. Who could be calling at this time?

"Kazumi, you go ahead and eat, I'll answer the phone."


"Oh, by the way," Kazuya turned back just a few steps away. "How was it this time compared to last time?"

"Um..." Kazumi thought hard and sighed. "I can't tell."

"Is that so? Well, yeah, you always eat what I cook, so unless there's a significant improvement, it's hard to tell," Kazuya nodded. "I'll answer the call now."

"Okay, go ahead."

Kazuya smiled. It seemed like he needed to draw a food-themed world in the future and see if he could learn something...


"No one's there?" Iwamoto Yu furrowed his brow as he looked at the phone. There had been no response up to this point.

"Hello, is this the editorial department?" After going upstairs, Kazuya saw the ringing phone in the room and knew who was calling. After all, only the people from the editorial department knew about the phone in the study.

"Yes, that's right, it's me, Iwamoto Yu," Iwamoto Yu breathed a sigh of relief as someone finally answered.

"Is there something you need?" Kazuya was somewhat puzzled. The manuscript should have already been delivered.

"Yes, well... Kurokawa-sensei, the chief editor would like to visit you in a while. Do you have time?"

"No, I don't have time," Kazuya directly refused.

"If you have time, that would be good... uh?"

"Um, I said I don't have time..."

"Then... do you have something to do?" Iwamoto Yu said in confusion. According to Kurokawa-sensei, there shouldn't be any work right now. Was he working on a new manga?

The chief editor, standing nearby, also furrowed his brow. He was now quite interested in this mangaka who had refused an assistant and had also killed off the main character. And now, he was adding another item to the list: refusing the chief editor's visit.

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